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1. Which part of Madanaphala is used for vamana ………..

1. Phala

2. Phala Churna

3. Pushpa

4. Pushpa Churna

2. Naarikelodaka is ________ acc. to Sushruta

1. Vrishya 2. Pittakara 3. Pipaasahara 4. Hrudya

3. _______ is not शीतीकरणानि acc. to Susgruta

1. प्रवातस्थापनम् 2. उदकप्रक्षेपणं 3. यष्टिकाभ्रामणं 4. None

4. ___________ कुष्ठं जनयन्ति acc to Sushruta

1. सह्यप्रभवाः 2. विन्ध्यप्रभवाः

3. मलयप्रभवाः 4. महेन्द्रप्रभवाः

5. ______ types of antariksha jala are explained by Sushruta

1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. 10

6. यत्क्वाथ्यमानं निर्वेगं निष्फेनं निर्मलं लघु ||

चतुर्भागावशेषं तुतत्तोयं गुणवत् स्मृतम् |

1. Su.Su. 45 2. Su.Su. 44

3. Su.Su. 42 4. Su.Su. 41

7. ________ is used to test Ganga and Samudra jala acc. to Sushruta

1. Swarna 2. Rajata

3. Both 4. None

8. Which part of Tilvaka is used for Virechana ………..

1. Moola

2. Twak

3. Phala

4. Pushpa

9. Dose of Madanaphala kalpa acc. to Sushruta _______

1. Prakuncha 2. 2 Tola

3. Pala 4. 4 Pala

10. _______ शीतीकरणानि भवन्ति acc. to Sushruta

1. Sapta 2. Astha 3. Nava 4. Dwadasha

11. Teja bhumi is related with _____ rasas, acc. to Sushruta

1. Swaadu+ Amla 2. Amla+ Lavana 3. Both 4. None

12. ______ types of Ksheera explained by Sushruta

1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. None

13. ______ types of antariksha jala are explained by Sushruta

1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. 10

14. ________ ksheera is वातपित्तघ्नं परमं स्मृतम् acc. to Sushruta

1. Go 2. Mahisha 3. Aja 4. None

15. The ref. of “ब्रह्मदक्षाश्विरुद्रेन्द्रभूचन्द्रार्कानलानिलाः|

ऋषयः सौषधीग्रामा भूतसङ्घाश्च पान्तु ते ||” is ………..

1. Su. Su. 41

2. Su. Su. 42

3. Su. Su. 43

4. Su. Su. 43

16. ___________ कृमीन् acc to Sushruta

1. सह्यप्रभवाः 2. विन्ध्यप्रभवाः

3. मलयप्रभवाः 4. महेन्द्रप्रभवाः

17. ________ is not nikshepaka acc. to Sushruta

1. फलकं 2. त्र्यष्टकं

3. मुञ्जवलय 4. None of the above

18. Which part of Trivrit is used for Virechana ………..

1. Moola

2. Twak

3. Phala

4. Pushpa

19. ______ types of Dhaara jala are explained by Sushruta

1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. 10

20. Ambu bhumi is related with _____ rasas, acc. to Sushruta

1. Swaadu+ Amla 2. Amla+ Lavana 3. Both 4. None

21. _________ is रक्षोघ्नं शीतलं ह्लादि ज्वरदाहविषापहम् desha acc. to Sushruta

1. गगनाम्बु 2. चन्द्रकान्तोद्भवं 3. Both 4. Only 1

22. The ref. of “रसायनमिवर्षीणां देवानाममृतं यथा |

सुधेवोत्तमनागानां भैषज्यमिदमस्तु ते ||

1. Su. Su. 41

2. Su. Su. 42

3. Su. Su. 43

4. Su. Su. 43

23. Which part of Haritaki is used for Virechana ………..

1. Moola

2. Twak

3. Phala

4. Pushpa

24. Which part of Ikshvaku is used for vamana ………..

1. Phala

2. Phala Churna

3. Pushpa

4. Pushpa Churna

25. ­­­­________ is not explained as “sapta kalushasya prasaadanaani” acc. to Sushruta

1. Kataka 2. Gomedaka

3. Both 4.None

26. _________ निक्षेपणानि भवन्ति acc. to Sushruta

1. Pancha 2. Shat 3. Both 4. None

27. ________ is the Sadhyovirechana yoga acc. to Sushruta

1. Pippallyadi kashaya 2. Haritaki 3. Both 4. None

28. ________ is indicated in Gara visha………..

1. Madanaphala

2. Ikshvaku

3. Dhamargava

4. Kritavedhana

29. Tribhaga Ghrita Moorchita Triphala is ________ acc. to Sushruta

1. Vayaha sthaapaka 2. Sarva rogaghani 3. Both 4. Only 1

30. The madanaphala kalpa explained by Sushruta has specific indication in _________

1. Pratishyaya 2. Jwara 3. Antarvidradhi 4. All of the above

31. Sheetambu is not contraindicated in acc. to Sushruta

1. कोष्ठे 2. सद्यःशुद्धे 3. नवज्वरे 4. None of the of the above

32. ___________ कुष्ठं पाण्डुरोगं च acc to Sushruta

1. सह्यप्रभवाः 2. विन्ध्यप्रभवाः

3. मलयप्रभवाः 4. महेन्द्रप्रभवाः

33. Chaturangula taila is used in _______ acc. to Sushruta

1. Balaka upt 12 years 2. Balaka upt 16 years

3. Balaka upt 20 years 4. None

34. सर्वव्याधिहरं पयः is said for ___________ acc. to Sushruta

1. Go 2. Mahisha 3. Aja 4. None

35. Dadhi is contraindicated in ________ acc. to Sushruta

1. Peenasa 2. Vishamajwara 3. Mutra krichra 4. None of the above

36. Eranda taila with tribguna triphala kwatha is used in _____ acc. to Sushruta

1. Bala 2. Sukumara

3. Vriddha 4. All of the above

37. ________ is not used for the storage of water for purification acc. to Sushruta

1. Swarna 2. Rajata 3. Both 4. None

38. तृष्णाघ्नं ______ बल्यं कषायं मधुरं लघु acc. to Sushruta

1. सारसं 2. ताडागं 3. Both 4. None

39. _________ is बल्यं रसायनं मेध्यं पात्रापेक्षि ततःपरम् desha acc. to Sushruta

1. गगनाम्बु 2. चन्द्रकान्तोद्भवं 3. Both 4. Only 1

40. ________ is not indicated in Kasa ………..

1. Madanaphala

2. Ikshvaku

3. Dhamargava

4. Kritavedhana

5. None

41. ______ types of Bhouma jala are explained by Sushruta

1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. None

42. _______ वातलं स्वादु कषायं कटुपाकि acc. to Sushruta

1. सारसं 2. ताडागं 3. Both 4. None acc. to Sushruta

43. ________ is lighter than Ksheera acc. to Sushruta

1. Rasa 2. Kalka

3. Churna 4.All of the above

44. ________मुदकं विस्रं लवणंसर्वदोषकृत्, acc. to Sushruta

1. कैदारं 2. सामुद्र 3. Both 4. None

45. ________ is Shreshta rasayana acc. to Sushruta

1. Haritaki Phala 2. Trivrit moola 3. Both 4. None

46. Sheetambu is not contraindicated in acc. to Sushruta

1. हिक्कायां 2. स्नेहपीते 3. आध्माने 4. None of the of the above

47. _______ is pathyatama acc. to Sushruta

1. Antareeksha jala 2. Mamsarasa

3. Both 4. None of the above

48. Lohita pradesha is related with _______ rasa acc. to Sushruta

1. Swaadu 2. Amla 3. Both 4. None

49. Parthiva bhumi is related with _____ rasas, acc. to Sushruta

1. Swaadu+ Amla 2. Amla+ Lavana 3. Both 4. None

50. _________ is not used for purification of water acc. to Sushruta

1.Naaga 2. Champaka 3. Utpala 4. None of the above

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