1. बाहुपार्श्वांसकक्षा are the sthaanas relates with ________ , acc. to Sushruta
1. कक्षा 2. विस्फोटका 3. कुलीन 4. कुनखं
2. Mamsa and Shonita baahulyata is not seen in _________
1. Gulma 2. Vidradhi 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
3. Avamantha is related with _________ doshas acc. to Sushruta
1. Vata & Pitta 2. Pitta & Kapha 3. Kapha & Rakta 4. None
4. पुष्करिका is related with _________ doshas acc. to Sushruta
1. Vata & Pitta 2. Pitta & Kapha 3. Kapha & Rakta 4. None
5. तालफलप्रकाशां is related with ___________ Vriddhi acc. to Sushruta
1. Medaja 2. Mutra 3. Antra 4. Raktaja
6 धमन्यः संवृतद्वाराः कन्यानां स्तनसंश्रिताः |
दोषाविसरणात्तासां [१०] न भवन्ति स्तनामयाः || Ref.
1. Su. Ni. 9
2. Su. Ni. 10
3. Su. Ni. 11
4. Su. Ni. 12
7. ________ is because of Abhighata, acc. to Sushruta
1. कक्षा & चिप्प 2. विस्फोटका & क्षतरोगा
3. कुलीन & कुनखं 4. None of the above
8. Vidaarika (Kshudra roga) is seen in __________ praesha, acc. to
1. Kaksha 2. Vankshana 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Anguli parva
9. Dushyas in the Granthi are_________, acc. to Sushruta
1. Rakta 2. Mamsa 3. Meda 4. All of the above
10. दुर्गन्धं & नानावर्णं sraava are seen in _________ kshudra roga, acc. to Sushruta
1. पामा 2. शर्करार्बुदं 3. विचर्चिका 4. रकसा
11. Hikka is seen in ______ type of Vidrdhi acc. to Sushruta
1. Nabhi 2. Kukshi 3. Vankshana 4. None of the above
12. Ref of रसप्रसादो मधुरः पक्वाहारनिमित्तजः |
कृत्स्नदेहात् स्तनौ प्राप्तः स्तन्यमित्यभिधीयते ||
1. Su. Ni. 9
2. Su. Ni. 10
3. Su. Ni. 11
4. Su. Ni. 12
13. Dushyas in the Visarpa are_________, acc. to Sushruta
1. Rakta 2. Mamsa 3. Shonita 4. All of the above
14. सम्मूढपिडका involves_________, acc. to Sushruta
1. Whole body
2. Hands
3. Feet
4. Arms
15. पार्श्वसङ्कोचः is seen in ______ type of Vidrdhi acc. to Sushruta
1. Nabhi 2. Kukshi 3. Vankshana 4. None of the above
16. शरीरवृद्धिक्षयवृद्धिहानिः is seen in ______ type of Granthi acc. to Sushruta
1. Mamsa 2. Meda 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
17. ________ are the dushyas in the stanarogas, acc. to Sushruta
1. Meda & Mamsa
2. Shonita & Mamsa
3. Majja & Mamsa
4. None of the above
18. जाम्बवास्थिनिभा is related with ________ acc. to Sushruta.
1. सर्षपिका
2. अष्ठीलिका
3. कुम्भीका
4. ग्रथितं
19. Kashaya rasa of milk is seen in ______ type of stanya dushti acc. to Sushruta
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. None of the above
20. Teevra daaha is seen in ______ type of Vidrdhi acc. to Sushruta
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. None of the above
21. The Granthi which is having a size of कोल is related with ________ kshudra roga, acc.
to Sushruta
1. पाषाणगर्दभः 2. जालगर्दभः 3. अग्निरोहिणी 4. कदरं
22. Tilakalaka is _______ acc. to Sushruta
1. Kshudra Roga and Shuka Dosha
2. Shuka Dosha and Prameha Pidaka
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None
23. पिण्याकसर्पिः is seen in ______ type of Granthi acc. to Sushruta
1. Mamsa 2. Meda 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
24. मुष्टिप्रहारादिभिरर्दितेऽङ्गे is related with ______ type of Arbuda acc. to Sushruta
1. Raktaja 2. Mamsa 3. Meda 4. None
25. ______ is not the sthaana of Shleepada acc. to Sushruta
1. Karna, naasika, & Oshtha
2. Karna, Akshi, & Oshtha
3. Akshi, Paada, & Oshtha
4. None of the above
26. Shataponaka is _______ acc. to Sushruta
1. Bhagandara Bheda and Shuka Dosha
2. Shuka Dosha and Prameha Pidaka
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None
27. Daarunaka is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta
1. Kapha & Rakta 2. Vata & Kapha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
28. Alaji is _______ acc. to Sushruta
1. Kshudra Roga and Shuka Dosha
2. Shuka Dosha, Sandigata Netra Roga and Prameha Pidaka
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None
29. ________ are involved in गलगण्ड, acc. to Sushruta
1. Vata, Pitta and Meda
2. Vata, Kapha, and Meda
3. Kapha, Pitta, and Meda
4. None of the above
30. Siraja Granthi is ________ acc. to Sushruta
1. Saadhya 2. Asaadhya 3. Krichrasaadhya 4. Varjaneeya
31. बस्तिकटीमुष्कमेढ्रेषु वेदना is related with ___________ of Vriddhi roga, acc. to Sushruta
1. Roopa 2. Poorvaroopa 3. Both 4. None
32. गात्रप्रदेशे क्वचिदेव दोषाः सम्मूर्च्छिता मांसमभिप्रदूष्य |
वृत्तं स्थिरं मन्दरुजं महान्तमनल्पमूलं चिरवृद्ध्यपाकम् ||
is related with _______acc. to Sushruta
1. Arbuda 2. Granthi 3. Vidradhi 4. None
33. उत्तमा is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta
1. Kapha & Rakta 2. Vata & Kapha 3. Rakta & Pitta 4. None
34. Types of Vidradhi acc. to Sushruta
1. 8 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6
35. Arumshika is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta
1. Kapha & Rakta 2. Vata & Kapha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
36. कृष्णस्फोटावृतां is related with ___________ Vriddhi acc. to Sushruta
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. Raktaja
37. Sarshapika is _______ acc. to Sushruta
1. Kshudra Roga and Shuka Dosha
2. Shuka Dosha and Prameha Pidaka
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None
38. Atayartha-vedana is seen in ______ type of Vidrdhi acc. to Sushruta
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. All of the above
39. मुखदूषिकाः is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta 1. Kapha & Rakta only 2. Vata & Kapha only 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
40. स्तब्धमेढ्रता is because of _______ type of Upadamsha, acc. to Sushruta
1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
41. Types of Upadamsha ________ acc. to Sushruta
1. 8 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6
42. Padminikantaka is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta
1. Kapha & Rakta 2. Vata & Kapha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
43. Total no. of Shuka Doshas ________ acc. to Sushruta
1. 10 2. 44 3. 18 4. 17
44. Avapaatika acc. to Sushruta, can be compared with ______
1. Phimosis 2. Paraphimosis 3. Cracks in the Prapuce 4. None
45. क्षिप्रोत्थान is seen in ______ type of Vidrdhi acc. to Sushruta
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. All of the above
46. Jatumani is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta
1. Kapha & Rakta 2. Vata & Kapha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
47. Parivartika is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta
1. Kapha & Rakta 2. Vata & Kapha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
48. Mashaka is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta
1. Kapha & Rakta 2. Vata & Kapha 3. Vata 4. None
49. Tilakaalakam is because of _______ prakopa, acc. to Sushruta
1. Kapha & Pitta 2. Vata & Kapha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
50. Tanu srava is seen in ______ type of Vidrdhi acc. to Sushruta
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. All of the above