रूपयौवनसंपन्ना विशाल कुलसम्भवाः ।
विद्याहीना न शोभन्ते निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः ॥
Words meaning:
रूप- Beauty/ Appearance
यौवन- Youth
संपन्ना- Endowed with
विशालकुल- of noble family
सम्भवाः- Birth/ Occurrence/ Possibility
विद्याहीना- The person not having the knowledge
न- No/ not
शोभन्ते- Glory/ beauty/ splendid/ Shine
निर्गन्धा- Not having smell/ inodorous
इव- Like
किंशुकाः- Palasha=bastard teak, parrot tree
Meaning of the Subhashita:
One endowed with Beauty, Youth and Born in the Nobel family will not enjoy the glory if he is not having the knowledge, just like the parrot tree [Palasha] flower looks beautiful but its devoid of fragrance.