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"Sites of Abhyantara Vidradhi"


गुदे बस्तिमुखे नाभ्यां कुक्षौ वङ्क्षणयोस्तथा ||

वृक्कयोर्यकृति प्लीह्नि हृदये क्लोम्नि वा तथा | Su.Ni.9/17-18

Word to word meaning:

गुदे (gude): in the rectum

बस्तिमुखे (bastimukhe): at the opening of the bladder

नाभ्यां (nābhyām): in the navel

कुक्षौ (kukṣau): in the abdomen

वङ्क्षणयोः (vaṅkṣaṇayoḥ): in the groin

तथा (tathā): and similarly

वृक्कयोः (vṛkkayoḥ): in the kidneys

यकृति (yakṛti): in the liver

प्लीह्नि (plīhni): in the spleen

हृदये (hṛdaye): in the heart

क्लोम्नि (klomni): in the pancreas

वा (vā): or

Shloka meaning:

10 sites of the Internal Abscess are- Rectum, opening of the bladder, navel, abdomen, groin, kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, and pancreas.

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