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Dr. Gujar Brothers

Shlokas of the Day...18-09-2021_ Four Methods to Stop Bleeding by Sushruta.





तथासम्पाचयेद्भस्मदाहःसङ्कोचयेत्सिराः|| Su.Su,14/39-40

Words meaning:

चतुर्विधं= Four types

यदेतद्धि= यत्= that +एतत्= this +हि= Actually

रुधिरस्य= Blood's

निवारणम्= preventing/ stop

सन्धानं= closure

स्कन्दनं= coagulate

चैव- च= and + एव= quickly

पाचनं= closure of wound

दहनं= cauterizing

तथा= accordingly

व्रणं= wound

कषायः= astringent

सन्धत्ते= arrest/ stop/ closure

रक्तं= blood

स्कन्दयते= coagulate

हिमम्= cold

तथा= respectively

सम्पाचयेद्भस्म- सम्पाचयेत्= closure with + भस्म= ashes

दाहः= cauterizing

सङ्कोचयेत्सिराः- सङ्कोचयेत्= to contract +सिराः= vessels

Meaning of the Shlokas:

Four methods to arrest/ stop the bleeding after Prachanna/ Siravyadhana-

  1. Astringent drugs

  2. Cold applications

  3. Ashes

  4. Cauterization

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