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Dr. Gujar Brothers

Shloka of the Day...22-09-2021_Indicated Persons for Leech Therapy by Sushruta


नृपाढ्यबालस्थविरभीरुदुर्बलनारीसुकुमाराणामनुग्रहार्थं परमसुकुमारोऽयं शोणितावसेचनोपायोऽभिहितो जलौकसः || Su.Su.12/3

Words meaning:

नृपाढ्य- नृप= Prince + आढ्य= Rich

बाल= Children

स्थविर= Aged

भीरु= Timid

दुर्बल= Weak

नारी= Women

सुकुमाराणामनुग्रहार्थं - सुकुमाराणाम्= In Soft or Delicate persons + अनुग्रहार्थं = to do favour or help

परमसुकुमारोऽयं - परमसुकुमारो= Very Delicate + अयं= This

शोणितावसेचनोपायोऽभिहितो - शोणित= Blood + अवसेचन= Letting + उपायो= method +अभिहितो= said

जलौकसः= Leeches

Meaning of the Shloka:

Indicated persons for Leech Therapy are,

1. Prince

2. Rich

3. Children

4. Aged

5. Timid

6. Weak

7. Women

8. In Soft or Delicate persons or Very Delicate

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