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Dr. Gujar Brothers

Shloka of the day.. 21-08-2021

सिराव्यधश्चिकित्सार्धं शल्यतन्त्रे प्रकीर्तितः | यथा प्रणिहितः सम्यग्बस्तिः कायचिकित्सिते ||Su.Sha.8/23


Siravyadhana is considered as the Ardha chikitsa in Shalyatantra, as it is clearly said as Basti in Kayachikitsa.

Word Meaniings:

सिराव्यधश्चिकित्सार्धं – Siravyadhaha+ Chikitsardha= Venesection/ Phlebotomy + Half treatment (Main treatment- Dalhana)

शल्यतन्त्रे- in Shalyatantra

प्रकीर्तितः- Said/ knownas यथा- As

प्रणिहितः- said/ dealt

सम्यग्बस्तिः – samyak=basti= correct/ perfect+ basti (all the bastis)

कायचिकित्सिते- in Kayachikitsa

Discussion and Conclusion:

In Shalyatantra, Siravyadhana (Venesection/ Phlebotomy) is considered as the Ardha chikitsa i.e., half treatment or the main treatment as it is explained/ dealt as Basti is the half treatment or the main treatment in Kayachkitsa. As the Siravyadhana can remove all the toxins present in the another Dhatus except Shukra, its considered as the Ardha Chikitsa.

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