Words meaning:
शोफ= Swelling
समुत्थाना= Causes
ग्रन्थिविद्रध्यलजी- ग्रन्थि= Cystic swellings + विद्रधि= Abscess + अलजी= Eye disease (Conjunctivitis )
प्रभृतयः= Etc. (others)
प्रायेण= Probably
व्याधयोऽभिहिता- व्याधयो= In Diseases + आभिहिता= said
अनेकाकृतयः- आनेक= different + आकृतयः= arranged
तैर्विलक्षणः- तैः= because of these + विलक्षणः= abnormalities
पृथुर्ग्रथितः- पृथुः= widely spread + ग्रथितः= collected
समो- evenly arranged/ elevated
विषमो- unevenly arranged/ elevated
वा= or
त्वङ्मांसस्थायी- त्वक्= skin +मांसः= muscles + स्थायी= constant/ stay
दोष= toxins
सङ्घातः= collection
शरीरैकदेशोत्थितः- शरीर= body + एक= one + देश= place + उत्थितः= originated
शोफ= Swelling/ Inflammatory Swelling/ Oedema
इत्युच्यते- इति= like + उच्यते= said
Meaning of the Shloka:
The swellings which are probably different from the diseases like Cysts, Abscesses, Eye disease (Conjunctivitis), Etc. (others), having widely spread (diffuse oedema), collected locally (localised oedema), sometimes elevated or non elevated because of the accumulation toxins (Doshas) or situated in skin, muscles a particular place is called as Shopha [Swelling/ Inflammatory Swelling/ Oedema].