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Shloka of the Day...20-01-2022 _ Complications of Asthavidhashastra Karmas by Sushruta.

Dr. Gujar Brothers


हीनातिरिक्तं तिर्यक्च गात्रच्छेदनमात्मनः|

एताश्चतस्रोऽष्टविधे कर्मणि व्यापदः स्मृताः|| Su. Su. 25/30

Words meaning:

हीनातिरिक्तं - हीन + अतिरिक्तं = Less + Extra

तिर्यक्च - तिर्यक् + च = Oblique/ Horizontal

गात्रच्छेदनमात्मनः - गात्रच्छेदनम् + आत्मनः = excising the body + of his own

एताश्च - एताः +चतस्रो + अष्टविधे + कर्मणि + व्यापदः + स्मृताः = these + Four + In Eight types of + surgical procedures + complications + said/ mentioned

Shloka meaning:

Following are the four complications of Asthavidhashastra karmas:

  1. less

  2. extra

  3. oblique/ non proper excision

  4. self harm to the vaidya during the shastra


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