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Shloka of the Day...19-01-2022 _ Shuddha Vrana Lakshana (2) (Clean Wound/ Tidy wound) by Sushruta.

Dr. Gujar Brothers

Shloka-2: जिह्वातलाभो मृदुः स्निग्धः श्लक्ष्णो विगतवेदनः सुव्यवस्थितो निरास्रावश्चेति शुद्धो व्रणइति|| Su. Chi. 1/7 Words meaning: जिह्वातलाभो - like the surface of the tongue

मृदुः - soft

स्निग्धः - oily/ sticky

श्लक्ष्णो - tender

विगतवेदनः - relieved from pain

सुव्यवस्थितो - Systematic/ Well formed

निरास्रावश्चेति - not having discharge

शुद्धो - Clean/ Neat/ Tidy

व्रण - Wound/ Ulcer

इति - like this

Shloka meaning: Following are the qualities of the Shuddha Vrana (Clean/ Tidy wound/ Ulcer)

  1. like the surface of the tongue

  2. soft

  3. oily/ sticky

  4. tender

  5. relieved from pain

  6. Systematic/ Well formed granulation

  7. not having discharge


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