अवेदनोनिरास्रावोव्रणःशुद्धइहोच्यते|| Su. Su. 23/18
Words meaning:
त्रिभिः - three
दोषैः - through doshas
अनाक्रान्तः - not assailed or attacked
श्याव - brown/ dark colored
ओष्ठः - lip/ edges
पिडकी - boils/ sprouts
समः - equal/ same
अवेदनो - painless
निरास्रावो - not having discharge
व्रणः - wound
शुद्ध - Clean
इहोच्यते - said like this
Shloka meaning:
Following are the qualities of the Shuddha Vrana (Clean/ Tidy wound)
free from the vitiation of three doshas
brown/ dark colored edges
equal healthy granulation/ sprouts of tissues
less pain/ not having the pain
not having discharge