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Shloka of the Day... 09-09-2021 _ Ashta Gunas of Kshara by Sushruta.

Dr. Gujar Brothers


नैवातितीक्ष्णो नमृदुःशुक्लःश्लक्ष्णोऽथपिच्छिलः|

अविष्यन्दीशिवःशीघ्रःक्षारोह्यष्टगुणःस्मृतः|| Su.Su.11/16

Words Meaning:

नैवातितीक्ष्णो - Na = Not + Eva = really/ indeed + AtiTeekshna= very sharp/ potent/ aggressive

नमृदुः - not weak/ mild

शुक्लः - White/ Bright

श्लक्ष्णोऽथ - Shlakshna= Soft/fine + Atha= Now

पिच्छिलः - Slimy/ Slippery

अविष्यन्दी - not spreading

शिवः - favorable/ not too thin or too thick

शीघ्रः - Quick/ Fast

क्षारोह्यष्टगुणः - Ksharo= Alkali's/ caustic's

स्मृतः - said/ called/ termed

Meaning of the Shloka:

The eight qualities of Kshara are:

  1. Not very sharp/ potent/ aggressive

  2. Not very weak/ mild

  3. Not very White/ Bright

  4. Soft/fine

  5. Slimy/ Slippery

  6. Not spreading

  7. Favorable/ not too thin or too thick

  8. Quick/ Fast

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