दत्तंचताभ्योनादेयमन्नादन्यद्भिषग्वरैः|| Su. Su. 10/9
Words Meaning:
स्त्रीभिः- With women
सहास्यां- Saha=Along with + Aasyaam = Sitting
संवासं- Common abode/ Living together
परिहासं- Joking
च- And
वर्जयेत्- leave/ abandon / avoid
दत्तं- Given
च- and
ताभ्यो- by them
नादेयमन्नादन्यद्भिषग्वरैः- Na= not + Aadeyam- taken/ received + Annad= the food + Anyad- others + Bhishak = Doctor + Varaihi= Best/ Great
Meaning of the Shloka:
Best or Great Doctors should avoid sitting, staying and joking/ laughter with the women/ ladies in the hospital and also should not take anything except the food from them.