SHALYATANTRA - SAMANYA PAPER - I Shalya Siddhanta – Fundamentals of Surgery 100 Marks 1. Sushruta’s contributions in surgical conceptsand practices.
2. Knowledge of Dosha, Dhatuand Mala Vigyanand their importance in surgical diseases.
3. Significance and importance of Rakta as the ChaturthDosha.
4. Yantras and Shastras – Surgical Instruments - Ancient and recent advances.
5. Trividha Karma– Purva, Pradhanaand Pashchat Karma and their Importance.
6. Asepsis and Antisepsis.
7. Nirjivikarana – Sterilization – Various methods for surgical equipments, endoscopies, linenand Operation theatre.
8. Surgical infections – Sepsis, Tetanusand Gas gangrene.
9. Care of patients suffering from Hepatitis, HIV-AIDS, STD and other associated infectious diseases.
10. Ashtavidha ShastraKarma – Criticalknowledge and their application in surgical practice.
11. Suturing materials, appropriate use of sutures, drains,prosthetic, grafts and surgical implants.
12. Concept of Marma and their clinical application.
13. Shock - Its varietiesand management.
14. Raktasrava / Haemorrhage – Types, Clinicalfeatures and Management.
15. Concept of Raktastambhana –Haemostasis.
16. Blood Transfusion – Blood groups,compatibility, Indications, Contraindications and complications with management.
17. Fluid, electrolyte, Acid Base Balanceand Nutrition i. Introduction of physiology of fluids and electrolytes. ii. Dehydration and over hydration. iii. Specific electrolyte loss, Acidosis, Alkalosis, Symptomatology and Management. iv. Electrolyte changes in specific surgicalconditions and their management. v. Plasma volume expandersand their use in surgical condition.
vi. Various replacement fluids in surgery, mode of administration and complications. vii. Nutrition – Indications, types,mode of administration and complications. 18. Vranasopha – Inflammation and Vidradhi - Abscess
19. Granthi – Cyst and Arbuda – Benign and malignant Neoplasm– Concept of Oncogenesis and genetics of cancer.
20. Gulma and Udara Roga.
21. Kshudra Roga.
22. Knowledge of antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and emergencydrugs in surgical practice.
PAPER – II Vishishta Shalya Vigyana - Shalya Tantra Speciality 100 Marks 1. Yogya Vidhi- Practical and Experimental training i. Practice of surgicalprocedures on differentmodels. ii. Training of Laproscopic and Endoscopic procedures.
2. Vrana – Wound management i. Management of Nija Vrana, AgantujaVrana, Dushta Vrana and Nadi Vrana. ii. Vrana Chikitsa – Shasti upakramas, Pathya-apathya . iii. Types and Management of Dagdha Vrana - Burnsand scalds. iv. Infection of handsand foot, Diabeticwound, Prameha Pidaka– Diabetic carbuncle and its management. v. Management of Pressureulcers, Venous ulcers and otherchronic non- healingulcers. vi. Gangrene and its management.
3. Mutra Roga – Urological diseases. i. Applied anatomy and physiology of urogenital system. ii. Investigations of Mutravaha Srotas – Urinarytract. iii. Aetiopathogenesis and surgical procedures of Ashmari – Urinary stone diseases. iv. Kidney and ureter – Clinical presentation, Investigations and Management of Congenital anomalies, Trauma, Infection, Neoplasm, Hydronephrosis and Hydroureter. v. Urinary bladder -Clinical presentation, Investigations and Management of Congenital anomalies, Trauma, Infection, Neoplasm, Diverticulum, Vesico-vaginal fistula, Atony and Schistosomiasis. vi. Urethra - Clinical presentation, Investigations and Management of Congenital anomalies– Hypospadias, Epispadias, Posterior urethral valve, Trauma, Infection, and Neoplasm. vii. Prostate and seminal vesicles – Benign and malignant enlargement of prostate, Prostatitis, Prostaticabscess and Calculi. viii. Penis – Clinical presentation, Investigations and Managementof Congenital anomalies , Trauma, Infection, Phimosis, Paraphimosis, Peyronie’s disease and Neoplasm. ix. Testis and scrotum - Clinical presentation, Investigations and Management of Congenital anomalies, Ectopic testis,Trauma, Infection, Neoplasm,Testicular torsion, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Spematocele, Chylocele, Pyocele, Haematocele, Epididymal cyst and Fournier’s gangrene. x. Urinary diversions- Indications, types and techniques. xi. Retention of urine – Mutraghata and Mutrakruccha- Etiology, diagnosis and management. xii. Saraktamutra, Haematuria - Etiology, Clinicalfeatures and management.
xiii. Renal failure – Causes, Diagnosis, Investigations and Management. 4. Asthi roga and MarmaChikitsa - Orthopaedics i. Anatomy and physiology of bone. ii. Diseases of Asthi / Bone and Sandhi / Joints – Congenital, Degenerative, Infective, Metabolic and Neoplastic Disordersof Bones and Joints. iii. Aetiopathogenesis, treatment along with surgical procedures of Bhagna - Fracture, Sandimoksha - Dislocation and bone grafting. iv. Diseases of Spine, vertebral columnand spinal cord.
PAPER – III Adhunik Shalya Karma - Modern surgery 100 Marks 1. Fundamentals of modern surgery and treatment of surgical disorders including surgicalanatomy, physiology and pathology.
2. Diagnosis and Surgical treatmentof head and spine injury,thoracic and abdominaltrauma. Blast injuries and Management
3. Diagnosis and Surgical management of neck disorderse.g. salivary glands,thyroid, Thyroglossal cyst and Fistula, Branchial cyst and fistula, Cystic hygroma and Lympadenopathies.
4. Diagnosis and Surgical management of breast diseases- Benign and Malignant breast tumours.
5. Diagnosis and Surgicalmeasures of diseasesof Gastrointestinal system- i. Oral cavity - Oral ulcers,Oral cancer, Precancerous conditions, Submucosal fibrosis,Leukoplakia, Cleft lip and palate,Lip tumours, Mucosal cyst, Nasopharyngeal cancer, Tongue ulcer and cancer. ii. Oesophagus - Oesophageal varices, Dysphagia, Neoplasm, Strictures and Gastro oesophageal reflux. iii. Stomach and duodenum –Congenital anomalies, Injuries, Inflammation, Ulcer, Neoplasm,Pyloric stenosis, Acute dilatation ,Hiatushernia and Foreignbodies. iv. Pancreas - Congenital anomalies, Acute and Chronic pancreatitis, Calculi Neoplasm and Cysts of pancreas. v. Peritoneum, Omentum, Mesentery, Retroperitoneal Space – Peritonitis, Abscess, Neoplasm, Mesenteric cyst, Torsion of mesentery, Vascularthrombosis, Retroperitoneal cyst and Fibrosis. vi. Abdominal mass - Diagnosis and Management. vii. Small intestine - Congenital anomalies, Inflammation, Ulcer, Neoplasm, Stenosis,Injuries, Foreign bodies, Diverticuli, Peutz-jeghers syndrome, Chron’sdisease, Carcinoid tumours,Enteric perforation and Intestinal fistula. viii. Large intestine - Congenital anomalies, Inflammation, Ulcer, Neoplasm, Stenosis,Injuries, Foreign bodies, Diverticuli,Faecal fistula, Amoebic ulcer and Familial polyposis coli. ix. Caecum and Vermiformappendix- Appendicitis, Appendicular abscess, Appendicular mass, Perforation, Carcinoid Tumor and other Neoplasm. x. Gastrointestinal bleeding – Haemetemesis, Malaena, Haemobilia, Bleeding per anum - Causes, Diagnosis and Management. xi. Rectum and anal canal - Diagnosis and Surgical management of Congenital Anomalies, Inflammation, Ulcer, Neoplasm, Stenosis, Prolapse, Haemorroids, Fistula-in-ano, Fissure-in-ano, Anorectal Abscess, Incontinence, Injuries, Foreign bodies,Sacrococcygeal Teratomas and Pilonidal sinus .
6. Umbilicus and abdominal wall – Congenital anomalies, Umbilical infections, Sinus, Neoplasm, Abdominal dehiscence, Divarication of recti, Desmoidtumor and Meleney’sgangrene.
7. Diagnosis and surgical measuresof diseases of Hepatobiliary system - i. Liver – Abscess, Cyst - Hydatid cyst, Primary and Secondary malignant tumours, PortalHypertension and Budd-Chiari Syndrome. ii. Gall bladder and Bile duct - Congenital anomalies, Acute and Chronic Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Neoplasm, Cholangitis, Stenosis, Choledocholith iasis, Choledochal cyst and Cholangiocarcinoma. iii. Spleen – Splenomegaly and Splenic Injury.
8. Diagnosis and surgical measures for disorders of Artery, Vein, Ligaments, Muscles and Tendons.
9. Diagnosis and surgical management of Hernias – Inguinal, Femoral,Umbilical, Incisional, Abdominalwall and other hernias.
10. Endoscopic procedures - Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy.
11. Diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy.
12. Anaesthesia - Definition, Types, Anesthetic agents, Indications, Contraindications, Procedures, Complications and management. PAPER –IV Shalya Vangmaya – Shalya literature, Research and Development 1. Critical study of the Sushruta Samhita and relevant portions of Shalyatantra in Brihattrayee and Laghutrayee.
2. Knowledge and importance of Surgical Audit.
3. Medico legal issues – Understanding the implications of acts of omission and commission in practice. Issues regarding Consumer Protection Act in medical profession,
National Health Policy, Implications in medico-legal cases like accidents, assaults etc.
4. Surgical ethicsincluding Informed consent.
5. Knowledge of different type of experimental Surgical Model for Research in Surgery.
6. Sandhana Karma – Plastic reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Fundamentals of SandhanaKarma – i. Karna Sandhana – Auroplasty ii. Nasa Sandhana – Rhinoplasty iii. Ostasandhana – Cheiloplasty iv. Grafts and Flaps – Techniques and applications. v. Vascular anastomosis and grafts. 7. Anushalya Karma – Parasurgical procedures i. Kshara Karma, KsharaSutra, Agnikarma and Raktamoskhana. Pattern of Practical examination 100 Marks 1. Case record(25) -10 Marks 2. Short case -10 Marks 3. Long case -20 Marks 4. Identification of specimen / radio-graph and Instruments -20 Marks 5. Thesis Presentation - 20 Marks 6. Viva-voce -20 Marks Reference Books 1. Sushruta Samhita
2. Ashtanga Sangraha 3. Ashtanga Hridaya 4. Charaka Samhita 5. The Surgical instruments of the Hindus - Girindranath Mukhopadhyaya 6. Shalya TantraSamuchchaya - PanditRamadesh Sharma 7. Shalya Vigyan(Part 1-2) - Dr. Surendra KumarSharma 8. Shalya Samanvaya (Part 1-2) - Vd. Anantaram Sharma 9. Shalya Pradeepika - Dr. Mukund Swaroop Verma 10. Soushruti - Dr. Ram Nath Dwivedi 11. Clinical ShalyaVigyan - Dr. Akhilanand Sharma 12. Bhagna Chikitsa - Dr. Prabhakar Janardhan Deshpande 13. Kshara sutra management in anorectal ailments - Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr. K.R.Sharma and Dr. KulwantSingh. 14. Anorectal diseasesin Ayurveda - Dr. Sizoria and Dr. PraveenKumar Chowdary. 15. Adhunika ShalyaChikitsa Siddhanta - Dr. Katil Narshingham Udupa 16. Agnikarma Technology Innovation - Dr. P.D. Gupta 17. Shalya TantraKe Siddhanta - Dr. K.K.Takral 18. Recent advancesin the management of Arshas / Haemorrhoids - Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar 19. Arsha Evum Bhagander Mein sutra Avacharan - Vd. Kanak PrasadVyas 20. Recent advancesin Kshara Sutra - Dr. M. BhaskarRao 21. Leech application in Ayurveda - Dr. M. BhaskarRao 22. Kshara Sutra - Dr. S.N.Pathak 23. Shalya ShalakyaTantra - Vd. S.G. Joshi 24. Surgical ethicsof Ayurveda - Dr. D.N. Pande 25. Text book of Surgery - Sabistan 26. Operative Surgery – Rob and smith 27. Bailey and Love’s ShortPractice of Surgery - Norman.S. Williams, Charles.V. Mann and R.C.G. Russell 28. Fractures and Joint Injuries - Watson-Jones 29. Text books of Operative Surgery - Farquharsons’ 30. Principles of Surgery - Schwartz 31. Emergency Surgery -Hamilton Bailey’s 32. Surgical pathology - WillingWorth 33. Clinical methodsin surgery - S. Das 34. Textbook of Operative Surgery - S. Das 35. Shalya Vigyan(Sachitra) - AnantramSharma 36. Anushastra Karma - Dr. D.N. Pande 37. Concept of Vrana is Ayurveda - Dr. Lakshman Singh 38. Significance for Poorva Karma in Surgical Patient - Dr. LakshmanSingh 39. Sangyaharan Prakash - Dr. D.N. Pande 40. A conciseText Book of Surgery - S. Das 41. A manualon Clinical Surgery - S. Das 42. A Systemof Surgical Diagnosis - T.N. Patel 43. A Practical Guide to Operative Surgery - S. Das 44. Drugs and Equipment for Anaesthesia - Arun kumar 45. Manual of Surgical Instruments - M.M. Kapur 46. Ward Procedures - Patel Mansukh. B 47. Recent trends in the management of Arshas / Haemorrhoids - Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar 48. Primary Anaesthesia - Maurice King 49. Synopsis of Anaesthesia - Lee 50. Clinical Anatomy/Surgical Anatomy - John E.Skandalakis
51. Surgical Instruments of the Hindus - Girindharnath Mukopadyay
52. Outline of Orthopedics - John Crawford Adams and David Hamblen.L
53. Outline of Fracture - John Crawford Adams
54. Recent trends in the management of Bhagandara / Fistula-in-ano - Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar
55. Principles and Practice of Agnikarma - Dr. Anand Kumar and Dr. Kanchan Shekokar.
56. Manipal Manualof Surgery - Dr. Rajgopal Shenoy