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Dr. Gujar Brothers


Updated: Jun 2, 2021

SHALYA TANTRA SAMANYA (General Surgery) PAPER-II Theory- 100 marks PART A 50 marks 1. Etymology and definition of Shalya Tantra. 2. Scopeand importance of Shalya Tantra. 3. Studyof Sushruta SamhitaSutra Sthana. 4. Study of modernsurgical clinical methodology. 5. Appliedanatomy, physiology and surgical pathology of common surgicalconditions including relevantAyurvedic aspect. 6. Applicability of Shat Kriyakala in the pathogenesis of surgical diseases. 7. Applicability of Prakriti in understanding the causes and role of treatment in surgical diseases. 8. Applicability of basic principles of Ayurveda in Rogi Pariksha (Trividha, Shadvidha, Ashtavidha and Dashavidha Pariksha) and latest investigations. 9. Conceptof Rakta accordingto Sushruta. 10. Introduction of clinical and diagnostic methodsin Shalya Tantra- X-rays, U.S.G.,Endoscopies (for diagnostic and treatment purposes), MRI, CAT scanning and otherrecent diagnostic tools. 11. Conceptand applicability of Sadhya-Asadhya (Prognosis) - Arishtha lakshana. 12. Knowledge of life savingdrugs. 13. Emergency conditions and its management. 14. Diagnosis and management of Pranashtha Shalya. PART B 50 marks · Yantra and Shastra – Surgical Instruments - Ancient and recent advances. · Sterilization – methodsand types. · Basic knowledge of Sangyaharan – Anaesthesia - Types, methods,indications, contraindications, complications and its management. · Concept of Trividha Karma – Purva, Pradhana and Pashchat. · Ashtavidha Shastra Karmas. · Bandhana Karma – Ancient and recent advances. · Kshara Karma – Introduction, types,method of variouspreparations like Kshara,Kshara Varti, KsharaPichu and applications. · Kshara Sutra – Methodof preparation, standardization and applications. · Agnikarma – Introduction, types and applications. · Raktamokshana – Introduction, types and applications.

· Application of Panchakarma therapy in surgicalpractice. · Scope of Pathya-Apathya in the management of surgical diseases. PRACTICAL 100 marks Content:- 1. Hospitalduties in OPD, IPD, OT and casualty 2. Case record – 25 cases 3. Surgicalcases - observation/performing- 10 cases 4. Knowledge of instruments requiredin surgical practices. 5. Ayurvedic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. 6. Fluidtherapy and bloodtransfusion. 7. Contraception and sterilizations. 8. Pre-operative, operative and post operative procedures. Distribution of marks (practical): 1. Case records of 25 Patientsin detail 20 marks 2. Bedside clinicalcase taking- Long case 20 marks Short case 10 marks 3. Identification of instruments, X-rayetc 15 marks 4. Medicalprocedures 15 marks 5. Viva voce 20 marks REFERENCE BOOKS:- 1. SushrutaSamhita 2. AshtangaSangraha 3. AshtangaHridaya 4. CharakaSamhita 5. The Surgical instruments of the Hindus - Girindranath Mukhopadhyaya 6. ShalyaTantra Samuchchaya - Pandit RamadeshSharma 7. ShalyaVigyan (Part 1-2) - Dr. Surendra Kumar Sharma 8. ShalyaSamanvaya (Part 1-2) - Vd. Anantaram Sharma 9. ShalyaPradeepika - Dr. Mukund Swaroop Verma 10. Soushruti - Dr. Ram Nath Dwivedi

11. Clinical ShalyaVigyan - Dr. Akhilanand Sharma 12. BhagnaChikitsa - Dr. Prabhakar Janardhan Deshpande 13. Ksharasutra management in anorectal ailments - Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr. K.R.Sharma and Dr. Kulwant Singh. 14. Anorectal diseases in Ayurveda - Dr. Sizoria and Dr. Praveen Kumar Chowdary. 15. AdhunikaShalya Chikitsa Siddanta - Dr. Katil Narshingham Udupa 16. Agnikarma Technology Innovation - Dr. P.D. Gupta 17. ShalyaTantra Ke Siddhant - Dr. K.K.Takral 18. Recentadvances in the management of Arshas /Haemorrhoids - Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar 1. ArshaEvum Bhagander Mein sutra Avacharan- Vd. Kanak PrasadVyas 2. Recentadvances in Kshara Sutra - Dr. M. BhaskarRao 3. Leech application in Ayurveda - Dr. M. BhaskarRao 4. KsharaSutra - Dr. S.N.Pathak 5. ShalyaShalakya Tantra - Vd. S.G.Joshi 6. Surgicalethics of Ayurveda - Dr. D.N.Pande 7. Text book of Surgery - Sabistan 8. Operative Surgery – Rob andsmith PG 1st Year Syallabus-50 1. Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery - Norman.S. Williams, Charles.V. Mann and R.C.G. Russell 2. Fractures and Joint Injuries - Watson-Jones 3. Text books of Operative Surgery - Farquharsons’ 4. Principles of Surgery - Schwartz 5. Emergency Surgery -Hamilton Bailey’s 6. Surgicalpathology - WillingWorth 1. Clinicalmethods in surgery - S. Das 2. Textbookof Operative Surgery - S. Das 3. ShalyaVigyan (Sachitra) - AnantramSharma 4. Anushastra Karma - Dr. D.N. Pande 5. Conceptof Vrana is Ayurveda - Dr. Lakshman Singh 6. Significance for Poorva Karma in Surgical Patient - Dr. LakshmanSingh 7. Sangyaharan Prakash - Dr. D.N.Pande 8. A concise Text Book of Surgery - S. Das 9. A manual on Clinical Surgery - S. Das 10. A System of Surgical Diagnosis - T.N. Patel 11. A PracticalGuide to Operative Surgery - S. Das 12. Drugsand Equipment for Anaesthesia -Arun kumar 13. Manualof Surgical Instruments - M.M. Kapur

14. Ward Procedures - Patel Mansukh. B

15. Recenttrends in the management of

Arshas / Haemorrhoids - Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar

1. PrimaryAnaesthesia - Maurice King

2. Synopsisof Anaesthesia - Lee

3. ClinicalAnatomy/ Surgical Anatomy - John E.Skandalakis

4. Surgical Instruments of the Hindus - Girindharnath Mukopadyay

5. Outlineof Orthopedics - John Crawford Adams and David Hamblen. L

6. Outlineof Fracture - John Crawford Adams

7. Recenttrends in the management of

Bhagandara / Fistula-in-ano - Dr. P. Hemantha Kumar

8. Principles and Practice of Agnikarma - Dr. Anand Kumar and Dr. Kanchan Shekokar.

9. Manipal Manual of Surgery - Dr. Rajgopal Shenoy


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