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Dr. Gujar Brothers

Previously asked MCQs GP1874-2009

1. घ्राणाश्रिते मर्माणि सम्प्रदुष्टे ............

1. Kshavathu 2. Bhramshathu 3. Dipti 4. Phana

2. Fatal dose of Croton tiglium oil is …………

1. 5 2. 10 3. 15 4. 20

3. …………… is called as Golden Triangle


4. When was HIV virus first discovered?

1. 1982 2. 1991 3. 1983 4. 1981

5. …………. Drug of vamana yoga acts as Vishaghna

1. Madanaphala 2. Jeemutaka 3. Ikshavaku 4. Dhamargava

6. श्वेतसर्षपाभा is related with ………….. netra roga

1. Utklishta 2. Utsanga 3. Lagana 4. Pothaki

7. मेदुरमाम्सप्रार्थना is lakshana of …………….

1. Medokshaya 2. Mamsakshaya 3. Shukrakshaya 4. Majjakshaya

8. नोच्यते in “अचेतनत्वाच्च मनः क्रियावदपि नोच्यते” is related with ……………

1. Karta 2. Kaarana 3. Karana 4. Karma

9. Pramanaas acc. to Prabhakara meemasaka is _________

1. 1 2. 2 3. 5 4. 6

10. Basti putaka dosha acc. to Charaka ________

1. Manda 2. Sthoola 3. Ullupta 4. Deergha

11. Agnikarma is contraindicated in _________ Bhagandara

1. Shatapounaka 2. Parisravi 3. Ushtragreeva 4. Ruju

12. No. of Peshis acc. to Vagbhata ______

1. 02 2. 06 3. 03 4. None of the above

13. Jantuphala is _________

1. Karkataka Shringi 2. Badara 3. Udumbara 4. Krimija

14. Shonitakitta is related with _________

1. Pupphusa 2. Unduka 3. Yakrit 4. Hrudaya

15. The proportion of "Ghee" in "Dasangalepa" (according to Sarangadhar Samhita) is:

a. 1/10 b. 1/5 c. 1/8 d. None

16. The Musha useful in the preparation of "Chakribaddha Rasa":

a. Mushal Musha b. Manduka Musha c. Maha Musha d. Malla Musha

17. "Shandatwa Varjito Rasa" is obtained by the process of:

a. Pathana b. Rodhana c. Niyamana d. Charana

18. Intake of unpurified Haritala causes :

a. Urusthambha b. Kalishoola c. Prameha d. Kushta

19. The term 'Kamandho Jayato Nara' is related to:

a. Chapala Bhasma b. Rasa Bhasma c. Rasaka Bhasma d. Somala Bhasma

20. List of poisonous drug are mentioned under ASU drugs in drug and

Cosmetic Rule in:

a. Schedule T b. Schedule P c. Schedule E d. Schedule F

21. Treatment of Vangavikara is:

a. Swarna Bhasma and Haritaki Churna

b. Meshasringi Churna and Sarkara

c. Munivrihi and Sita

d. Madhumishrit Godugdha

22. The quantity of water is in the preparation of Triphala Kwatha used for

Loha Bhanupaka:

a. Equal b. Two times c. Eight times d. Sixteen times

23. In which one of the following disease has Aswedam a symptom 7

a. Eka Kustha b. Mashaka c. Dadru d. Sidhma

24. Pellagra preventing vitamin is:

a. Vit. B b. Vit. B2 c. Vit. B3 d. Vit. B5

25. Causative organism of Swine flu is:

a. H,N, Virus

b. H,N, Virus

c. HN, Virus

d. H₂O, Virus

26. Sidhartaka snanam is indicated in:

b. Vicharchika a. Ajagalli c. Kusta d. None of these

27. Which of the plasmodium mosquito causes cerebral malaria?

a. Pl. Vivax

b. Pl. Falciparum

c. Pl. Malaria

d. All of these

28. Vimarga gamana is the character of:

a. Sroto vaigunya

b. Sroto dusti

c. Srotavarodha

d. Khavaigunya

29. 'Guda linga Vyadhi Pariksha' is done with:

a. Upashaya

b. Anupashaya

c. Both of these

d. None of these

30. "Chandrarka" is prepared by the process of:

a. Fermentation

b. Percolation

c. Distillation

d. None of these

31. What will be the water reduction part in the preparation "Ushnodak"?

a. 1/8 part

b. % part

c. Simply boiling

d. All of these

32. The pharmaceutical "characteristic feature of Druti" is:

a. Samyogascha parad

b. Aamyogascha parad

c. Both of these

d. None of these

33. "Laghu Malini Vasanta Rasa" consists of which of the following?

a. Rasaka, Maricha, Navanita, Triphala nira

b. Kharpara, Nagaram, Navanita, Vasa nira

c. Rasaka, Maricha, Navanita, Nibu nira

d. Parada, Gandhaka, Swarna, Pravala, Kumari nira

34.हृदय बस्ति एवं नाभि की गणना कीजाती है (छ.शा. 3/6)

1. मातृजभाव में 2. रसजभाव में 3 पितृजभाव में 4 सात्म्यजभाव में

35. Umbilical vein बदल जाती है -

1. लिगामेंटमविनोसम

2. राउडलिगामेंट

3. लिंगामेंटमटेरिस

4. ब्राडलिगामेंट

36. Breast की development anomaly है -

1. एथीलिया

2. पालीथीलिया

3. पौलीमेस्टिया

4. सभी

37.वृष्य सर्वदोषहरांणा किसके संदर्भ में वर्णित है - (च.सू. 25/40)

1. एरण्डमूल

2. विदारीगन्धा

3. अश्वगन्धा

4. अनन्तमूल

38.कटम्भरा द्रव्य का कुल (Family) है -

1. Erandmula 2. Vidarigandha 3. Ashvagandha 4. Anatmula

39.निम्न में से कौन साद्रव्य युक्तिरथ बस्ति का द्रव्य है- (सु.चि. 39/102)

1. चिन्चा 2. अभया 3. गुड 4. वचा

40.काश्यप के अनुसार किसजातहारिणी में स्त्री बिना रजोदर्शन के यथाकाल मेंनष्ट हो जाती है (का. रेवती कल्पाध्याय 32 )

1. शुष्करेवती 2. कालरात्री 3. कटम्भरा 4. पिशाची

41. Adenomyosis को भी कहा जाताहै -

1. Endometriosis interna 2. Fibroid uterus 3. P. I.D. 4. None

42.असित जिह्वा किसमें मिलती है - (सु.उ. 47/22)

1. अम्लपित्त

2. तमकश्वास

3. मदात्ययअसाध्य लक्षण

4. वातरक्तअसाध्य लक्षण

43.गुल्म के 5 भेद है यह किसकाउदाहरण है (च.नि. 1/120)

1. विधिसम्प्रापित्त 2. संख्या सम्प्रापित 3. विकल्प सम्प्रापित्त 4. बल सम्प्रापित

44. कडारप्रकार भेद इनमें से किस द्रव्यका है।

1. कान्तलोह 2. तीष्णलोह 3. मुण्डलोह 4. रजत

45. Normal cardiac output in neonates is

1. 150ml 2. 500ml 3. 1000ml 4. 5000ml

46. PAH is used to measure-

1. Cardiac efficiency

2. Filteration fraction

3. Golmerular filteration rate

4. Renal plasma flow

47. Maximum postprandial motility is seen in -

1. Ascending colon

2. Transverse colon

3. Descending colon

4. Sigmoid colon

48. Mixing of donor's RBC's with recipient plasma is called-

1. Minor cross match

2. Major Cross Match

3. Landsteiner's law

4. Rh incompatibility

49. Physiological response to smoking are all except-

1. Increased heart and increased catecholamine release

2. Increased carboxyhemoglobiin

3. Increased HDL

4. Increased hematocrit

50. Which of the following gas is used for refrigeration-

1. Phosphine

2. Chlorine

3. Ammonia

4. Sulphur dioxide

51. Resting membrance potential is equal to the equilibrium potential of -

1. K+

2. Na+

3. Ca++

4. CI-

52. Which is the by product of urea cycle –

1. Aspartate 2. Succinate 3. Ornithine 4. Fumarate

53. Blood moves into forward direction and vessels having elastic fibers attains the shape of pressure waveform............This phenonmenon is called-

1. Poiseuille's law

2. Law of Laplace

3. Windkessel effect

4. Kessel effect

54. The physiological response of CNS caused by increased pressure in vault due to the increased CSF pressure in known as-

1. Cushing reflex

2. Cushing syndrome

3. Vasovagal reflex

4. Koch's phenomenon

55. A diagram speaks more than 1000 words. The statement means that the teacher should-

1. Use diagrams in teaching

2. Speak more and more in the class

3. Use teaching aids in the class

4. Not speak too much in the class

56. Effectiveness of teaching depends on-

1. Qualification of teacher

2. Personality of teacher

3. Both A and B

4. Subject understanding of teacher

57. In sampling the lottery method is used for-

1. Interpretation

2. Theorication

3. Conceptualisation

4. Randomisation

58. What is a research design-

1. A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory

2. The choice between using qualitative or quantitative method

3. The style in which you present you research finding e.g a graph

4. A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data

59. When planning to do social research, it is better to-

1. Approach the topic with an open mind

2. Do a pilot study before getting stuck into it

3. Be familiar with the literature on the topic

4. Forget about theory because this is a very practical undertaking

60. A good teacher must be –

1. Resourceful and autocratic

2. Resourceful and participative

3. Resourceful and authoritative

4. Resourceful and dominant

61. Me-dam-me-phi is a festival of which community-

1. Deori

2. Khasi

3. Garo

4. Ahom

62. Mary Kom was awarded by Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award in-

1. 2007

2. 2008


4. 2012

63. Garampani sanctury is located in -

1. Tuna, Meghalya

2. Karbi, Assam

3. Arunachal Pradesh

4. Manipur

64. Most valuable publicaly traded company in the world is -

1. Apple

2. Microsoft

3. Alphabet

4. Google

65. Which is at the apex of three tier Panchyati Raj System-

1. Panchyat Samiti

2. Gram Sabha

3. Gram Panchaya!

4. Zila Parishad

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