1. Total no. of bones in shroni are ………
1. 5 2. 2 3. 3 4. 6
2. Number of Siras in Sroni
1. 32 2. 34 3. 35 4. All of the above
3. Females will have …….. peshis
1. 20 2. 22 3. 24 4. 26 5. None of the above
4. Garbhashaya is the ………. Ashaya in the females
1. Eighth 2. Sixth 3. Third 4. Second
5. Yoni resembles the mouth of…….. matsya
1. Rohita
2. Chilichima
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None of the above
6. Garbha shyya is situated in the ……… helix of yoni
1. Eighth 2. Sixth 3. Third 4. Second
7. ……….. described that yoni situated between pittashaya & pakwashaya
1. Bhoja
2. Kashyapa
3. Bhava prakasha
4. Sharangadhara
5. All of the above
8. Stana sampat includes ……. gunas
1. 12 2. 14 3. 10 4. 6
9. In females artava acts as …… dhatu[Bha. Pra]
1. 1. 5th 2. 8th 3. 7th 4. 6th
10. The length of penis acc. toAnanga Ranga is …. angula
1. 6 2. 9 3. 4 4. 7
11. Pushpa is the synonym of ………
1. Shukra 2. Both 3 & 4 3. Artava 4. Beeja
12. Breech presentation is ……….
1. Keela 2. Pratikura 3. Beejaka 4. Parigha
13. Hasana in rutukala leads to ……….. in fetus
1. Kusta 2. Chanchala 3. Unmadi 4. Talu shyavata
14. Puti Puya nibha is ……….. artava dosha
1. Pitta-Kaphaja 2. Kapha-vataja
3. Sannipataja 4. Both 1 & 2
15. Types of Phiranga are …… in no.
1. 3 2. 10 3. 6 4. 4
16. Quantity of artava is ……… angula
1.10 2. 4 3. 2 4. Both 1 & 2
17. Rasa will be converted to the artava in ………. month
1. 1 2. 2 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 3
18. One shoulder and head presentation is ……….
1. Keela 2. Pratikura 3. Beejaka 4. Parigha
19. Arajaska or anartava as yoni vyapat is said by ……….
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
20. Gate purane rajasi nave chavasthite shuddam snatam is said for ……….
1. Rutu 2.Rutumati 3. Artava 4. Garbhavati
21. Upadravas of Sutika rogas are ……..
1. 33 2. 50 3. 62 4. 64
22. Period of ovulation is …….. days
1. 12 to 14 2. 12 to 16 3. 10 to 14 4. 12 to 18
23. Mother who as only one child is ……….. vandya
1. Mrita 2. Janma 3. Kaka 4. Kadali
24. Douhridini is seen in ……… month
1. 9th 2. 7 th 3. 4th 4. 6th
25. Vandya is …… yoni vyapat
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. Sannipataja
26. ……… said all are sukshma & avyakta in the beginnng
1. Shounaka 2. Sushruta
3. Markandeya 4. Kashyapa
27. Dhavana in rutukala leads to ……….. in fetus
1. Kusta 2.Chanchala 3. Unmadi 4. Talu shyavata
28. Period of lactation starts from ……….. day after delivery
1. 4th or 5th 2. 3th or 5th 3. 1th or 5th 4. 3th or 9th
29. Shushka as yoni vyapat is said by ……….
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
30. Arajaska of ………. is equal to Sushruta’s Vandya
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
31. ……… said Heart forms First
1. Shounaka 2. Kritaveerya
3. Markandeya 4. Janaka
32. Women with only two children is ……….. vandya
1. Mrita 2. Janma 3. Kaka 4. Kadali
33. Rutu kaala is ………..
1. Bleeding phase of MC 2. Ovulation phaseof MC
3. Proliferative phaseof MC 4. All of the above
34. The length of Vagina acc. to Ananga Ranga is …. angula
1. 6 to 12 2. 9 to 12 3. 4 to 12 4. 7 to 12
35. Pumsavana should be conducted in ……… nakshatra
1. Anuradha 2. Chaitra 3. Pushyami 4. Both 1 & 2
36. Upapluta as yoni vyapat is said by ……….
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
37. Vata-sevana in rutukala leads to ……….. in fetus
1. Kusta 2. Chanchala 3. Unmadi 4. Talu shyavata
38. Vipluta is …… yoni vyapat
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. Sannipataja
39. Shandi as khandita is said by ………..
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Sharangadhara 4. Sushruta
40. Abhyanga in rutukala leads to ……….. in fetus
1. Kusta 2. Chanchala 3. Unmadi 4. Talu shyavata
41. ……… said Head forms First
1. Shounaka 2. Kritaveerya
3. Markandeya 4. Janaka
42. Soma roga was first quoted by ………
1. Basavarajiyam 2. Vagbhata 3. Bhava Mishra 4. Sharangadhara
43. In Artava kshaya ………. Dravys are used
1. Taila 2. Shleshma vardhaka 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sometimes teekshana
44. Completion of angapratyanga is seen in ……… month
1. 9th 2. 7 th 3. 8 th 4. 6th
45. Rakta yoni as yoni vyapat is said by ……….
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
46. Vaginal cyst is seen in ………….. yoni vyapat
1. Udavarta 2. Vatala 3. Atyananda 4. Phalini
47. In females Shukra acts as …… dhatu[Bha. Pra]
1. 1. 5th 2. 8th 3. 7th 4. 6th
48. Vandya is included under Yoni roga by ………
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
49. Descent of cervix to the introitus is ………. Degree descent of Uterus
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4
50. Paripluta is …… yoni vyapat
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. Sannipataja
51. Gaja garbha means, if Nagodara remains in the uterus for ……… years
1.10 2.12 3. 2 4. Both 1 & 2
52. Types of Vistambaka are …… in no.
1. 3 2. 10 3. 6 4. 2
53. ……… said All organs develops at once
1. Shounaka 2. Sushruta
3. Markandeya 4. Kashyapa
54. In soma roga, soma means ………
1. Shareera kleda 2. Mutra 3. Mala 4. Artava
55. Types of Upadamsha are …… in no.
1. 3 2. 10 3. 5 4. 4
56. Unable to attain orgasm is seen in ………….. yoni vyapat
1. Udavarta 2. Vatala 3. Atyananda 4. Phalini
57. Vipluta of Sushruta is said as Acharana by ………
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
58. Gandha Roga(Phiranga) was first explained by ……….
1. Bhavamishra 2. Sharangadhara 3. Vagbhata 4. Kashyapa
59. Types of Vandya acc. to Basava Rajiyam
1. 6 2. 3 3. 5 4. 4
60. In Stanya kshaya ………. Dravys are used
1. Taila 2. Shleshma vardhaka 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sometimes teekshana
61. Ojas is unstable in ……… month
1. 9th 2. 7 th 3. 8 th 4. 6th
62. Weight of Apara is ……… tulas
1. 40 to 60 2. 30 to 40 3. 30 to 50 4. 12 to 24
63. Snana anulepana in rutukala leads to ……….. in fetus
1. Nidralu 2. Anda 3. Vikruta drusti 4. Dukha swabhava
64. Coitus is not advised after……… day
1. 13th 2. 14th 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
65. Granthi bhuta is ……….. artava dosha
1. Pitta-Kaphaja 2. Kapha-vataja
3. Sannipataja 4. Both 1 & 2
66. ……… said Pani & Pada forms First
1. Shounaka 2. Kritaveerya
3. Markandeya 4. Janaka
67. Manas is expressed in ……… month
1. 3th 2. 4th 3. 5th 4. 6th
68. Mutratisara was first explained by ……….
1. Bhavamishra 2. Sharangadhara 3. Vagbhata 4. Kashyapa
69. Samvruta is …… yoni vyapat
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4.Sannipataja
70. Types of Cervical cancer are …… in no.
1. 3 2. 10 3. 6 4. 4
71. Paripluta of Sushruta is said as Prakcharana by ………
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
72. Shoola and Karkasha are seen in ………….. yoni vyapat
1. Udavarta 2. Vatala 3. Atyananda 4. Phalini
73. Female who did not conceive at all is ……….. vandya
1. Mrita 2. Janma 3. Kaka 4. Kadali
74. Diwaswapna in rutukala leads to ……….. in fetus
1. Nidralu 2. Anda 3. Vikruta drusti 4. Dukha swabhava
75. Vistambaka was quoted by ………
1. Basavarajiyam 2. Vagbhata 3. Bhava Mishra 4. Sharangadhara
76. Acharana is …… yoni vyapat
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. Sannipataja
77. Kikkisa is seen in ……… month
1. 9th 2. 7 th 3. 8 th 4. 6th
78. Phalini is …… yoni vyapat
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4.Sannipataja
79. Putraghni is …… yoni vyapat
1. Vataja 2.Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. Sannipataja
80. Antarmukhi as yoni vyapat is said by ……….
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
81. Buddhi is expressed in ……… month
1. 3th 2. 4 th 3. 5 th 4. 6th
82. Pumsavana should be conducted in ……… month of pregnancy
1. 2nd or 3rd 2. 4nd or 5rd 3. 3nd or 5rd 4. 1nd or 3rd
83. Anjana in rutukala leads to ……….. in fetus
1. Nidralu 2. Anda 3. Vikruta drusti 4. Dukha swabhava
84. Complication of soma roga is ………
1. Raktatisara 2. Mutratisara 3. Atyartava 4. Vandyatwa
85. Length of Apara is ……… angula
1. 8 to 9 2. 8 to 11 3. 8 to 10 4. 8 to 12
86. Garbha srava is up to ….. months
1.10 2. 4 3. 2 4. Both 1 & 2
87. Both hands and legs have come out but the body is held inside is ……….
1. Keela 2.Pratikura 3. Beejaka 4. Parigha
88. Phenayukta artava and kastartava are seen in ………….. yoni vyapat
1. Udavarta 2. Vatala 3. Atyananda 4. Phalini
89. Sramsini is …… yoni vyapat
1. Vataja 2.Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. Sannipataja
90. ……… said Indriyas forms First
1. Shounaka 2. Kritaveerya
3. Markandeya 4. Janaka
91. Teatment of Makkala(Perpural sepeis) is ………..
1. Shastra karma 2. Ksharakarma
3. Agni karma 4. Jalaukavacharana
92. Sharangadhara described …… garbha vyapats
1. 7 2. 9 3. 8 4. 2
93. The termination of Pregnancy before fetus becomes viable i.e., before ……. weeks is called as Abortion
1. 24 2. 29 3. 28 4. 26
94. Dadi lakshanas are ………. in no.
1. 24 2. 29 3. 28 4. 26
95. Mutra purisha Gandhi is ……….. artava dosha
1. Pitta-Kaphaja 2. Kapha-vataja
3. Sannipataja 4. Both 1 & 2
96. Condition “yoni samvarana” was described by ………..
1. Yogaratnakara 2. Madgavakara
2. Sharangadhara 4. Bhavamishra
97. Yoni is obstructed by hand and head is ……….
1. Keela 2. Pratikura 3. Beejaka 4. Parigha
98. Mother whose children are died is ……….. vandya
1. Mrita 2. Janma 3. Kaka 4. Kadali
99. Garbha pata is after ….. months
1.10th or 11th 2. 4th or 5th 3. 2nd or 3rd 4. 5th or 6th
100. Rodana in rutukala leads to ……….. in fetus
1. Nidralu 2. Anda 3. Vikruta drusti 4. Dukha swabhava