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PC Roga Nidana &Vikriti Vignana MCQ ANSWERS by Dr. Rakeshkumar S. Gujar and Dr. Maheshkumar S. Gujar

Dr. Gujar Brothers

1. The cause of Raktagulma is/are

(a) Improper diet by lady in tukala (c) Vamana (b) Vegadharana (d) All of the above

2. The stages of Gulma, according to Charaka, are

(a) 2 (c) 4 (b) 3 (d) 5

3. Which of the following kuştha has described by Susruta

(a) Aruna (c) Both (a) and (b) (b) Kapala (d) Mandala

4. Svedo-angagandhah Sithilangata is the :

(a) Pürvarüpa of Kustha (c) Pürvarüpa of Raktapitta (b) Purvarüpa of Prameha (d) Symptoms of Pittaja jvara

5. Dosa in Kakanaka kuştha are :

(a) Vāta + Pitta (c) Kapha + Pitta (b) Vāta + Kapha (d) Tridosha

6. The cause of asadhyata in vätaja prameha is/are :

(a) Vişama kriya (c) Dhatunäsa (b) Mahatyaya (d) Both (b) and (c)

7. Vata should be preserved in

(a) Rajayakşma (c) Gulma (b) Unmada (d) All of the above

8. Which of the following predominates in prameha :

(a) Vāta (c) Kapha (b) Pitta (d) Rakta

8. The upper part of urine in a pot is clear while lower one con trate, is the symptom of:

(a) Sāndrameha (c) Sukrameha (b) Sändraprasādameha (d) Lālāmeha

10. Increased frequency of urine is seen in :

(a) Udakameha (c) Sharma (b) Sitameha (d) Vasameha

11. Cippa is:

(a) Hrdaya roga (c) Motra roga (b) Vatavyadhi (d) Nakha roga

12. Dosa in Darunaka is/are :

(a) Vata (c) Väta + Kapha (b) Kapha (d) Vata + Pitta

13. Salmali kantaka prakhyah' is said in relation with :

(a) Romantic (c) Yuvanapidika (b) Visphota (d) None of the above

14. Vyanga can be correlated with:

(a) Systemic lupus erythematosus (c) Chloasma (b) Acne vulgaris (d) Stria gravidorum

15. Parikartiká is a:

(c) Mukha roga (a) Medhra roga (d) Netra roga (b) Guda roga

16. The forceful coitus with a lady of narrow vaginal orifice leads to :

(a) Niruddha prakash (c) Avamantha (b) Avapātika (d) None of the above

17. The painful boil inside the ear is known as:

(a) Darunaka (c) Panasika (b) Arūmsika (d) Jälagardabha

18. The site of valmiki is :

(a) Griva and Amsa (c) Kara and Pada (b) Kaksa (d) All of the above

19. The visarpa having kapha and pitta predominance is :

(a) Agneya (c) Kardama (b) Granthi (d) Kşataja

20. The types of chardi, according to Sushruta, are :

(a) 4 (c) 6 (b) 5 (d) 7

21. The rasa in prakrta pitta is :

(a) Lavana (b) Amla (c) Katu (d) Tikta

22. Vyabhicari and priyanka are the types of

(a) Hetu (c) Linga (b) Samprapti (d) None of the above

23. The diseases produced due to the derangement in Dhi, Dhrti and Smrti are called as:

(a) Kalajanya (c) Asätmyendriyarthajanya (b) Prajñäparādhajanya (d) All of the above

24. The präkrta doşa janya jvara in Vasanta and Sarad will be

(a) Sukhasadhya (c) Yapya (b) Krechasadhya (d) Pratyakhyan

25. The prakrta dosa janya jvara in Varşā will be :

(a) Sukhasadhya (c) Yapya (b) Krcchasadhya (d) Pratyakhyeya

26. 'Uşmano-alpabalatvena dhätumadyamapäcitam' is said in relation with:

(a) Amātisára (C) Ama (b) Amavāta (d) Amaja sula

27. The general character of samadosa is/are :

(a) Srotorodha (c) Aruci (b) Heaviness in body (d) All of the above

28. The symptom of Nirama vāyu is/are :

(a) Swalpa Vedana (c) Vibandha (b) Antrakājana (d) All of the above

29. Sâmänya pūrvarüpas develop: (a) Before dosa-dūsya sammürcchana (b) After dosa-düşya sammürcchana (c) During dosa-düsya sammürcchana (d) All are incorrect 30. Akrti is the synonym for :

(a) Hetu (b) Pūrvarūpa (c) Rūpa (d) Samprapti

31. Kapota iva kūjejña is the symptom of :

(a) Apatantraka (c) Apasmära (b) Apatanaka (d) None of the above

32. Abadha is the synonym of:

(a) Nidana (c) Sampräpti (b) Pürvarüpa (d) Vyädhi

33. Säma rogas are the :

(a) Amavasya samuttha (c) Hridaya samantha (b) Pakvāsaya samuttha (d) Both (a) and (b)

34. Sushruta has divided the diseases in how many categories acco to prayojana bheda

(a) 3 (c) 5 (b) 4 (d) 6

35. Adhyatmika rogas denotes : (a) Disease produced by tridosha and raja-tama (b) Agantuja rogas (c) Diseases produced by organisms differed from human (d) Diseases produced by dishonour of Deva, Guru and Dvija 36. Which of the following is described by Suśruta in Trividha roga varga :

(a) Adhyatmik rogas (c) Adhidaivika rogas (b) Adhibhautika rogas (d) All of the above

37. Which one of the following is/are the svabhavika vyädhi :

(a) Ksudha (c) Mrityu (b) Jarā (d) All of the above

38. Svābhāvika vyadhis are:

(a) Kālaja (c) Both (a) and (b) (b) Akalaja (d) None of the above

39. Pāpma a synonym of vyādhi is told by:

(a) Caraka (c) Vāgabhata (b) Susruta (d) All of the above

40. Which of the following is commonly vitiated in Pändu

(a) Ranjaka pitta (b) Bhrajaka pitta (c) Sadhaka pitta (d) Pachaka pitta

41. The symptoms of Kamala is/are :

(a) Raktapitta San Mauro (c) Hatendriyama (b) Bhekavarna (d) All of the above

42. Tilapistanibham malam is the symptom seen in :

(a) Sakhi Srita Kamala (c) Ubhaya Srita Kamala (b) Kosthasrita Kämala (d) All of the above

43. The pûrvarüpa of Hikka is/are !

(a) Kanthorasorgurutvam (c) Kuksi atopa (b) Vadanasya kaşäyatä (d) All of the above

44. Which one of the following is the pürvarüpa of Sväsa:

(a) Adhmåna (c) Udarasola (b) Bitter taste of mouth (d) Parsvašola

45. Yamala hikkä has described by:

(a) Vāgbhata (c) Bhävaprakasa (b) Caraka (d) Sarngadhara

46. Which of the following hikka is sadhya:

(a) Vyapeta (c) Mahati (b) Annajā (d) Gambhira

47. Which one of the following hikka arises from näbhi :

(a) Mahāhikka (c) Vyapeta (b) Gambhira (d) Annaja

48. Pratamaka śvāsa is : (a) Tamaka sväsa with Udävarta (b) Tamaka śvasa with Java and Mürccha (c) Tamaka sasa with Ajira (d) None of the above 49. Which of the following sväsa is asadhya :

(a) Tamaka Svasa (c) Urdhva svasa (b) Kşudra Svasa (d) None of the above

50. Weight of infants in pounds is related with ………

(a)Clark’s rule

(b)Fried’s rule

(c)Cowlimg’s rule

(d)Diling rule


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