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Dr. Gujar Brothers


1. The total no. of Sthavara Visha adhistana are ………

1. 5 2. 10 3. 12 4. 15

2. Artava visha is related with ……….. animal

1. Mushaka 2. Luta 3. Both 4. None

3. The symptom/ symptoms of vatsanabha visha is/ are :

1. Sanjnyaheenata 2. Breathlessness

3. Hridayagranthi 4. All of the above

4. Which visha has upward movement in the body?

1. Jangama 2. Sthavara 3. Gara 4. Dushi

5. Total no. of sites of Jangama visha acc. to Sushruta are …….

1. 8 2. 10 3. 12 4. 16

6. Daha is seen in the ingestion of …….. visha

1. Shringa 2. Haalahala 3. Both 4. None

7. Ksharagada is used in which visha vega?

1. 2nd 2. 3rd 3. 4th 4. 5th

8. Swasthika, Chakra etc. are the signs present on the body of :

1. Darvikara 2. Mandali 3. Raajimana 4. Both 2 & 3

9. Shukra visha is related with ……….. animal

1. Mushaka 2. Luta 3. Both 4. None

10. Darvikara sarpa is more poisionous in which stage :

1. Madhyamavastha 2. Vriddhavastha 3. Tarunavastha 4. In all ages

11. Granthi is seen in ingestion of ………… visha

1. Kardama 2. Paalaka 3. Sarshapa 4. Vairaataka

12. Usage of Avapeeda nasya is in ……… visha vega chikitsa acc. to Sushruta

1. 4th 2. 5th 3. 6th 4. 7th

13. Kandu is seen in ………… visha vega acc. to Charaka

1. 1st 2. 2nd 3. 3rd 4. 4th

14. Vrischika visha is :

1. Acidic 2. Alkaline 3. Neutral 4. Indefinite

15. Hridayagranthi is seen in the ingestion of …….. visha

1. Mahavisha 2. Haalahala 3. Both 4. None

16. Shava visha is related with ……….. animal

1. Keeta 2. Sarpa 3. Both 4. None

17. Which poision dilates the pupil?

1. Belladona 2. Ahiphena 3. Arsenic 4. All of the above

18. The most potent poision is ………… visha

1. Moola 2. Ksheera 3. Kanda 4. Pushpa

19. The yoni of visha is :

1. Prithvi 2. Jala 3. Teja 4. Vayu + Teja

20. Usage of Sanjnyasthapana drugs is in ……… visha vega chikitsa acc. to Charaka

1. 4th 2. 5th 3. 6th 4. 7th

21. Treatment of second vega of vish acc. to charaka:

1. Vamana 2. Virechana 3. Bloodletting 4. Suction

22. Blakening of the body is the symptom of which visha?

1. Kaalakuta 2. Haalahala 3. Shringa 4. Mahavisha

23. Which of he following drug changes poisonous substances into non-poisionous

1. Shirisha 2. Chinnaruha 3. Ajaruha 4. Kankola

24. Shuka visha is related with ……….. animal

1. Ucchitinga 2. Varati 3. Both 4. None

25. Frog has visha in ……….

1. Mutra 2. Nakha 3. Both 4. Only 2

26. Kaasa is seen in ……….. visha vega acc. to Sushruta

1. 2nd 2. 3rd 3. 4th 4. 5th

27. Murcha is seen in ……… visha vega acc. to Charaka

1. 3rd

2. 4th

3. None

4. Both 1 & 2

28. Damstra is related with ……….. sarpa

1. Bhoumya 2. Divya 3. Both 4. None

29. Visha has jeevitahara guna is said by …………

1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Sharangadhara 4. All of the above

30. In which animal the site of vish is asthi?

1. Vishamrita prani 2. Sarpatanta

3. Matsyasthi 4. All of the above

31. Samyogaja visha means ……….. visha

1. Dushi 2. Gara 3. Both 4. None

32. Talushosha is seen in ……… visha vega acc. to Sushruta

1. 3rd

2. 4th

3. None

4. Both 1 & 2

33. Total no. of Kaphaja keeta acc. to Sushruta :

1. 13 2. 24 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

34. Total no. of visha vegas acc. to Sushruta :

1. 8 2. 7 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

35. Vrishchika visha are ……….. dosha pradhana

1. Vata 2. Pitta

3. Kapha 4. Both 1 & 3

36. Vamana is seen in ………… visha

1. Twak 2. Phala 3. Pushpa 4. Ksheera

37. Total no. of Madhyama Vrishchika visha acc. to Sushruta :

1. 3 2. 7 3. 9 4. None

38. Total no. of Asadhya Luta visha acc. to Sushruta :

1. 8 2. 7 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

39. Marmaghata is seen on ……….. day of Luta visha

1. 5th 2. 6th 3. 7th 4. None

40. The total no. of Pipilika visha are …………. acc. to Sushruta

1. 5 2. 6 3. 8 4. 10

41. Sukshma guna of Visha was explaind by ………….

1. Sushruta & Sharangadhara 2. Charaka & Sharangadhara

3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sharangadhara

42. The total no. of Saara Visha are ………

1. 8 2. 5 3. 12 4. 7

43. Atisara is seen in ………… visha

1. Twak 2. Phala 3. Pushpa 4. Ksheera

44. Charaka has described Aniedsha rasa in place of …….. rasa of Sushruta

1. Vyavayi 2. Vikasi 3. Apaki 4. None

45. The total no. of Mashaka are …………. acc. to Sushruta

1. 5 2. 6 3. 8 4. 10

46. The total no. of Sarpas acc. to Sushruta are ………

1. 50 2. 79 3. 80 4. 66

47. Pitta prakopa is related with ……….. sarpa

1. Darvikara 2. Rajimana 3. Mandali 4. Nirvisha

48. The total no. of Nirvisha Sarpas acc. to Sushruta are ………

1. 26 2. 22 3. 12 4. 10

49. The total no. of Visha gunas acc. to Sharangadhara are ………

1. 8 2. 10 3. 5 4. 2

50. The total no. of Sthavara Visha acc. to Sushruta are ………

1. 55 2. 25 3. 33 4. 21


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