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Dr. Gujar Brothers

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

RASA SHASTRAAND BHAISHAJYA KALPANA (Iatrocemistry & Pharmaceuticals Science) PAPER-II Theory100 marks PART-A 50 marks 1. Fundamental principles of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, introduction to Rasachikitsa, Ashuddha and Apakwa Bhasma- sevan Dosha and its management, introduction to Aushadha Sevan Kaal and Prayoga Marga (routes of administration).

2. Introduction to basic principles of Aushadha Yoga (formulations).

3. Classification of Rasa Dravya- concept and relevance.

4. Introduction to principles of Aushadha Nirmana, concept of Shodhan, Marana, Jarana, Murcchhana, Sattvapatan and Amritikarana.

5. Conceptof Kashaya, Panchavidha Kashaya and other Kalpana.

6. Concept of Rasashala, Rasa Mandapa with introduction to pharmacy in accordance with the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

7. Criticalstudy of Rasa Ratnasamuchchaya, RasendraChintamani, Rasa Tarangini, Sharngadhara Samhita, Chakradutta and Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara with special reference to Aushadha-Nirmana. PART-B 50 marks 1. Introduction to methods of analytical, toxicity, experimental and clinical validation of classical and proprietary Ayurvedic formulations.

2. Introduction to new dosage forms.

3. Introduction to advance instruments of analysis like XRD, XRF, SEM-E-Dax, ICP analysis, Chromatography: TLC, gas chromatography, HPTLC, concept of Nanotechnology and its relevance to Aushadha-Nirman.

4. Concept of Pharmacopoeia and Formulary with introduction of ‘The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India’ (API) and‘The Ayurvedic Formularyof India’ (AFI).

5. Introduction to databases of medicinal plants published by CCRAS, ICMR and others. PRACTICAL 100 marks Contents:

1. Shodhan,Marana, Amritikarana of Rasa Dravya (10 practicals) 2. Preparation of different dosageforms (10 forms)

3. Pharmacop oeial standards of raw and prepared drugs (20 practicals) Raw Materials 1. Minerals and Metals Mineralogical Identification Mineralogical Identification 1. Physical form - Crystal and Amorphous 2. Hardness on Moh’s scale 3. Brittleness test 4. Fracture and Cleavage 5. Streak test 6. Luster

2. Plant Material Macroscopic and Microscopic examination a. Orgnaoleptic testing b. Estimation of Foreign materials c. Microbial load d. Moisturecontent e. Determination of ash value - total,water soluble and acid Insolubleash f. Specificgravity g. Solubility- water and alcohol h. Extractvalues- water and alcohol i. TLC j. Determination of optical density k. Refractive index l. Aflatoxins m. Limit tests for heavy metals n. pH estimation Prepared dosage forms: 1. Soliddosage forms Rasaushadhi a) Bhasma and Pishti Pariksha

b) Determination of Particle size c) Limit tests for heavy metals d) Determination of moisture content,specific gravity, pH and acid value. Kasthaushadhi a. Powders (Churna) 1. Particle size 2. Bulk density 3. Solubility 4. Estimation of Foreign material 5. Microbial load 6. Moisture content 7. Determination of ash value - total,water soluble and acid insoluble ash 8. Solubility - water and alcohol 9. Extract values - water and alcohol 10. TLC 11. Determination of Optical density 12. Refractive Index 13. Aflatoxins 14. Limit tests for Heavy metals 15. pH Value estimation b. Tablets 1. Uniformity in weight and size 2. Tablet hardness 3. Tablet friability 4. Tablet disintegration 5. Tablet dissolution c. Semisolid dosage forms a. Moisture content b. Sugar content c. Microbial load PG 1st Year Syallabus-22 d. Liquids · pH value · Specific gravity

· Determination of refractive index · Acid value · Viscosity · Saponification value · Iodine value Note: · All practicals should be performed in accordance with Authoritative Text Books of Schedule-I of D.C.Act-1940. · All practicals related to Pharmacopoeial Standards should be performed in accordance with Methods Published in Protocol for testing of ASU Medicines and Laboratory Guidelines for the Analysis of Ayurveda & Siddha Formulations published by Deptt. of AYUSH, Government of India. Distribution of marks (Practical) · Practical Record Book - 10 Marks · Practicals related to Preparation of Drugs o Major practical- one - 20 Marks o Minor practical- one - 10 Marks · Drug analysis o Major practical- one - 20 Marks o Minor practical- one - 10 Marks · Spotting - 10 Marks · Viva-voce - 20 Marks REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Rasahridaya Tantra 2. Rasarnava 3. Rasaratna Samuccahaya 4. AyurvedPrakasha 5. Rasendrachudamani 6. RasendraChintamani 7. Rasatarangini 8. Rasapraksha Sudhakar 9. Rasamrita 10. Rasa Chandanshu : CCRAS Publication 11. Sharangadhara Samhita 12. Sharangadhara Darpan (BP Pandey) 13. Bhavaprakasha 14. Yoga Ratnakara 15. Bhaishajya Ratnavali 16. SiddhaBhaishajya Manimala 17. BharatBhaishajya Ratnakara 18. RasayogaSagara 19. SiddhaBhaishajya Manimala 20. Sahasrayoga 21. Siddha Yoga Sangraha– Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya

22. VaidyakaParibhasha Pradeepa

PG 1st Year Syallabus-23

23. Ayurvediya Aushadhikarana – Puranik and Dhamanakar

24. Dravyaguna Vijnan Part - 1 and 2 - Yadavji Trikamji

25. Chakradatta - Ratnaprabha, RelevantParts from CharakaSamhita, Sushruta Samhita,Kashyapa Samhita, AshtangaSangraha, Ashtanga Hridaya,

26. Remington: Science and Practice of Pharmacy

27. Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy– Leon Lachman et al

28. ClinicalPharmacology, KD Tripathi

29. ClinicalPharmacology, Lawrence Benette

30. Drug Discovery and Evaluation (Pharmacological assays) HG Vogel

31. Pharmacological Basis of therapeutics – Goodman and Gilman

32. Data Base of Medicinal Plants of CCRAS

33. Quality and Standards of Medicinal Plants – ICMR publication

34. Quality Control of Ayurvedic Drugs– PLIM, Gaziabad

35. Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India

36. Ayurvedic Formulary of India

37. IndianPharmacopeia

38. BritishPharmacopeia

39. UnitedStates Pharmacopeia

40. Pharmacopeia Codex

41. CurrentGood Manufacturing Practices

42. Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Rules 1945 with latest amendments

43. Drugs and Magic remedies (Objectionable advertisement) Act-1954

44. Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA) act

45. Laws pertaining to Narcotics

46. Factoryand Pharmacy Acts

47. ConsumerProtection Act -1986

48. Brief information on the peer reviewed journals, official websites and other official search engines along with their links(related with the subject)

49. RutleysElements of Mineralogy

50. BhasmaVigyaniyam

51. Kupipakva Vigyaniyam

52. AnupanaManjari



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