PANCHKARMA (Five Therapeitic proedure) PAPER-II Theory- 100 marks PART A 50 marks 1. Chikitsaand its classifications; Antah-Parimarjana and Bahir-Parimarjana Chikitsa
2. Principles of Chikitsa, Kriyakal, Shadvidha and Dvividha Upakramaand role of Panchakarma therein.
3. Appliedaspects of Trividha, Shadvidha, Ashta Vidha and Dasha Vidha Pariksha.
4. Applied anatomy and physiology of cortex, cranial and peripheral nerves. Methods of physical examinations of central nervous system: sensory system, motor examination-muscle power and tone, superficial and deep reflexes, difference of upper and lower motor neuron lesions. Tremors and coordination.
5. Functions of various singlemuscles and groups of muscles, applied anatomy and physiology of joints. Methodsof examination of locomotor system. Differential diagnosis of Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis), Vatarakta (gout) and Sandhivata (osteoarthritis). Examination of lumbar and cervical disorders including Gridhrasi (sciatica) and Vishvachi(Brachial neuralgia).
6. Applied anatomy and physiology of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, functions of capillaries and its permeability. Methods of examination of respiratory and cardiovascular system. Interpretation of spirometry and ECG findings.
7. Knowledge and method of examination of various skin lesions.
8. Appliedanatomy of stomach,small intestine and large intestine. Detailed examination of gastro-intestinal system. PART B 50 marks 1. Definition of Karma. TrividhaKarma for Shodhana.
2. Importance of Panchakarma in health and disease.
3. Indications and contraindications for Shodhana. Appliedaspects of Koshthaand Agni.
4. Importance of Purva and Pashchata Karma in Shodhana.Parihara Vishaya for Panchakarma.
5. Samsarjana Krama. General knowledgeof various Aushadha and Ahara Kalpana used for Panchakarma.
6. Areas of research in Panchkarma.
7. Knowledge of equipments and instruments used in Panchkarma in ancient times and the possiblemodifications therein now. Knowledge of quality standards of NABH (National Accreditation Board of Hospitals) for Ayurveda, guidelines for establishment and management of eco-friendly Panchkarma theatre including management of biomedical waste. PRACTICAL 100 marks 1. Duty in Panchakarma ward and theatre.
2. Performance of 5 Cases each of Snehana, Svedana, Vamana, Virechana, Basti and Nasya with maintaining of detailed record. 3. Recordof detailed examination of 25 patientstreated with Panchakarma and effects observed thereon. Distribution of marks (practical): 1. Case records of 25 patients in detail 20 marks
2. Performance of long Karma 20 marks
3. Performance of short Karma 10 marks
4. Panchakarmal procedures 15 marks
5. Instruments and spotting 15 marks
6. Viva voce 20 marks REFERENCE BOOKS: 1 Charak Samhita with commentary of Ayurved Dipika by Chakrapanidatta and Jalpakalpataru by Gangadhara
2 Sushrutha Samhita with the Nibhandha Samgraha commentary of Dalhana and Nyayachandrika panjika of Gayadasa on nidansthana
3 Ashtang Hridaya with Sarvangasundara and Ayurvedrasayana commentaries 4 Ashtanga Sangraha with Shashilekha commentery 5 Bhela Samhita 6 Kashyapa Samhita 7 Bhavaprakasha of Bhavamishra 8 Sharangadhara Samhita 9 Vangasen 10 Gadanigraha
11 Ayurvediya Panchkarma chikitsa Dr Mukundilal Dwivedi
12 Panchkarma Vigyan Dr HaridasShreedhar Kasture
13 Illustrated Panchkarma Dr. G Srinivasa Acharya
14 Ayurveda-Principles and Practice of Dr. Mandipand Dr Gurdip Singh
15 The Panchkarma Treatment of Ayurved with Dr. T.L. Devaraj Kerala Specialities
16 Panchkarma Therapy Dr. R.H. Singh
17 Principles and practice of vasti Dr. Vasudevan Nampoothiri and Dr. L. Mahadevan
18 Claiton’s Physiotherapy
19 Teddy’s Physiotherapy
20 Harrison’s Principles of InTernal Medicines
21 Guyton’s Physiology