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Dr. Gujar Brothers

MCQs of the Day 10-06-2021 Charaka Samhita


1] Vishada is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. None of the above

2] Sukshma is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. None of the above

3] Laghu is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. None of the above

4] Sheeta is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. Both 1 and 3

5] Chala is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. Both 1 and 3

6] Sthira is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. Both 1 and 3

7] Madhura is the rasa of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. Both 1 and 3

8] Guru is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. Both 1 and 3

9] सस्नेह is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. Both 2 and 3

10] स्निग्ध is the quality of _________ acc. to Charaka

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

4. Both 2 and 3


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