1. ………. included Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Koumarabhrutya
1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Harita 4. Kashyapa
2. Father os modern Pediatrics is
1. Galen 2. Stephan 3. Menalac 4. All of the above
3. ………. Used the word kumara to Navajata shishu
1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Harita 4. Kashyapa
4. Kumara tantra was written by ………
1. Kashyapa 2. Kasharapani 3. Harita 4. Ravana 5. Sharangadhara
5. ……….. mentioned 32 types os balarogas
1. Kashyapa 2. Kasharapani 3. Harita 4. Ravana 5. Sharangadhara
6. ……… is/ are contraindicated in Bala and Vriddha
1. Agni karma 2. Kshara karma 3. Virehana 4. All of the above
7. Saindhava lavana & Gritha are used to remove ……. Just after delivery
1. Kapha
2. Ulbam
3. Jarayu
4. Shleshma
5. Both 2 & 3
8. Bala kreedanaka are described by …………
1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Harita 4. Kashyapa
9. Hasta sweda was mentioned among asta sweda by……..
1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Harita 4.Kashyapa
10. The classification of age as bala, madhyama and vardakya was said by ……
1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Harita 4. Kashyapa
11. Dental Formula in children is ………
1. 2-1-0-2 2. 2-2-0-2 3. 2-1-2-3 4. 2-1-3-2
12. Ksheerada acc. to Sushruta is up to …….. years
1. 1 2. 2 3. 20 4. 30
13. Phakka dusta stanya means …….. dusta
1. Pitta 2. Kapha
3. Sannipataja 4. Vataja
14. Paripota is ………. vyadhi
1. Pitta 2. Kapha
3. Sannipataja 4.Vataja
15. Nabhi nadi is to be cut above …….. angula acc. to Vagbhata
1. 4 2. 6 3. 8 4. 10
16. Eruption of teeth in Deeghayu ………
1. 8th & 9th 2. 4th & 5th 3. 9th & 10th 4. 9th & 11th
17. Treatment of Shayya mutra will be done with ……..
1. Ahiphena 2. Bimbi 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Shiunti & Takra
18. Vaivarnya and Dourgandhya are because of ………… dusthita
1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Kapha 4. Sannipata
19. Parigarbhika is because of ……….. mother’s breast milk
1. Own 2. Serrogate 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Pregnant
20. Kukunaka is because of …………….
1. Vata-Pitta-Kpha
2. Pitta-Rakta-Meda
3. Kapha-Rakta-Vata
4. Rakta-Vata-Pitta-Kapha
21. Types of Aprashasta danta lakshanas are ………
1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6
22. Kumara acc. to Bhava mishra is below …….. years
1. 16 2. 10 3. 16 4. 5
23. Vairasya is because of ………… dusthita
1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Kapha 4. Sannipata
24. Kishora acc. to Bhava mishra is below …….. years
1. 16 2. 10 3. 16 4. 5
25. Garbha nadi kartanajanya vikaras are ………
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4
26. ……….. are used in the treatment of Revathi Graha roga
1. Vatahara Dravyas 2. Surasadi gana dravyas
3. Kashaya dravyas 4. Kakolyadi gana dravyas
27. Nabhi nadi is to be cut above …….. angula acc. to Charaka
1. 4 2. 6 3. 8 4. 10
28. Vichinna vyadhi is because of ……… dusta ksheera
1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Kapha 4. Sannipata
29. ‘Slightly larger dose than Kolasthi pramana Gritha’ is the dose of medicine in ……. age
1. Up to one month 2. 2nd to 12th month 3. 1 to 2 years 4. 5 to 10 days
30. Pragounda acc. to Bhava mishra is below …….. years
1. 16 2. 10 3. 16 4. 5
31. Types of Vaya acc. to Kashyapa ………
1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6
32. Treatment of Upasheershaka is ……….
1.All of the below 2. Vatahara chikitsa 3. Virechana 4. Vamana
33. Sneha is because of ………… dusthita
1. Vata 2. Pitta 3.Kapha 4. Sannipata
34. Baalya acc. to Sushruta is …….. years
1. 16 - 70 2. 1-6 3. >70 4. None of the above
35. Upanayana should be performed in ………… years
1. 5th 2. 8th 3. 7th 4. 6th
36. Formation of teeth depend on ……….
1. Asthi 2. Majja 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
37. Utpata is ………. vyadhi
1. Pitta 2. Kapha
3. Sannipataja 4. Vataja
38. ……. Graha is also known as Pavani, Vishwadevi, Malaja and Krounchio
1. Skanda 2. Skandapasmara 3. Shakuni 4. Putana
39. Grahas acc. to Vagbhata
1. 5 2. 9 3. 15 4. 7
40. Madhyama acc. to Sushruta is …….. years
1. 16 - 70 2. 1-6 3. >70 4. None of the above
41. Karna vysdhanma is performed in ………th month acc. to Vagbhata
1. 6 2. 7 3. 8 4. All of the above
42. Male Grahas acc. to Vagbhata
1. 5 2. 9 3. 15 4. 7
43. Stana doshas acc. to Charaka consists of ………. no. of gunas
1. 8 2. 10 3. 6 4. 4
44. ……….. are used in the treatment of Sahakuni Graha roga
1. Vatahara Dravyas 2. Surasadi gana dravyas
3. Kashaya dravyas 4. Kakolyadi gana dravyas
45. Sakritjata danta are ………..
1. 9 2. 7 3. 8 4. 6
46. Vichinna vyadhi was explained by ……….
1. Charaka 2. Vagbhata 3. Both 1 & 2 4. Sushruta
47. Grahas acc. to Ravana krita Kumara tantra
1. 12 2. 8 3. 15 4. 9
48. Aksharabhyasa should be performed in ………… years
1. 5th 2. 8th 3. 7th 4. 6th
49. Types of Danta rogas acc. to Sushruta ………
1. 15 2. 14 3. 25 4. 8
50. Hani acc. to Sushruta is up to …….. years
1. 40 2. 70 3. 20 4. 30
51. Dental Formula in children is ………
1. 2-1-0-2 2. 2-2-0-2 3. 2-1-2-3 4. 2-1-3-2
52. Ulbakam is also known as ……..
1.Sahajam 2.Ambupurni 3. Mahavyadhi 4. Both 1 & 2
53. Kolasthi pramana is the dose of medicine in ……. age
1. Up to one month 2. 2nd to 12th month 3. 1 to 2 years 4. 5 to 10 days
54. Vardhakya acc. to Sushruta is …….. years
1. 16 - 70 2. 1-6 3. >70 4. None of the above
55. Female graham acc. to Sushruta is
1. Skanda 2. Shakuni 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
56. Types of danta janma(Erruption of teeth) are …… in no.
1. 9 2. 10 3. 5 4. 4
57. Graha rogas acc. to Sushruta are …… in no.
1. 9 2. 10 3. 5 4. 4
58. ……….. are used in the treatment of Sheeta putana Graha roga
1. Vatahara Dravyas 2. Dasha moola dravyas
3. Tikta dravyas 4. Laghu pancha moola dravyas
59. ……….. are used in the treatment of Andha putana Graha roga
1. Vatahara Dravyas 2. Surasadi gana dravyas
3. Kashaya dravyas 4. Kakolyadi gana dravyas
60. Types of Vaya, Garbha, Balya and Kumara are acc. to ………
1. Kashyapa 2. Sushruta 3. Charaka 4. Vagbhata
61. Sampurnata acc. to Sushruta is up to …….. years
1. 40 2. 70 3. 20 4. 30
62. Male graham acc. to Sushruta is
1. Skanda 2. Shakuni 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
63. Drug of Choice in Gudapaka is …….
1. Bhallataka 2. Chardana 3. Kutoga 4. Rasanjana
64. Danta sabda was mentioned by ……..
1. Kashyapa 2. Sushruta 3. Charaka 4. Vagbhata
65. Stana doshas acc. to Charaka consists of ………. no. of gunas
1. 8 2. 10 3. 6 4. 4
66. Unmantha is ………. vyadhi
1. Pitta-Kaphaja 2. Kapha-Vataja
3. Kapha-Raktaja 4. Vataja-Pittaja
67. Dwijas danta are ………..
1. 24 2. 7 3. 8 4. 26
68. Dental Formula in Adults is ………
1. 2-1-0-2 2. 2-2-0-2 3. 2-1-2-3 4. 2-1-3-2
69. Treatment of choice in Parigarbhika is
1. Chardana 2. Raktamokshana 3. Brimhana 4. Agnideepana
70. MRC(Mentally Retarded child) is associated with ………
1. Down’s Syndrome 2. Chron’s Syndrome
3. Turner’s Syndrome 4. All of the above
71. Complication/Complications of mumps are/is ……..
1. Orchitis 2. Opteritis 3. Both 1 & 2 4. CSOM
72. Yavvana acc. to Sushruta is up to …….. years
1. 1 2. 2 3. 20 4. 30
73. Stana sampat consists of ………. no. of gunas
1. 8 2. 10 3. 6 4. 4
74. Types of Danta-moola rogas acc. to Sushruta ………
1. 15 2. 14 3. 25 4. 8
75. The description of Ksheeralasaka is similar to ………..
1. Kuranda 2. Ulbakam 3. Vicchina 4. Dukha
76. Female Grahas acc. to Vagbhata
1. 5 2. 9 3. 15 4. 7
77. ……….. are used in the treatment of Skandapasmara Graha roga
1. Vatahara Dravyas 2. Surasadi gana dravyas
3. Kashaya dravyas 4. Kakolyadi gana dravyas
78. ……….. are used in the treatment of Mukhamandika Graha roga
1. Vatahara Dravyas 2. Dasha moola dravyas
3. Tikta dravyas 4. Laghu pancha moola dravyas
79. The baby with sadanta janma is called as ……..
1. Ulbam 2. Unmantha 3. Udwatam 4. Udantam
80. Dukha vardhana is ……….
1. Karna pali roga 2. Explained in vedanadhya of Kashyapa
3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
81. Graha rogas acc. to Yogaratnakara are …… in no.
1. 9 2. 10 3. 5 4. 4
82. Vriddhi acc. to Sushruta is up to …….. years
1. 1 2. 2 3. 20 4. 30
83. Vidanga tandula pramana is the dose of medicine in ……. age
1. Up to one month 2. 2nd to 12th month 3. 1 to 2 years 4. 5 to 10 days
84. ……….. are used in the treatment of Skanda Graha roga
1. Vatahara Dravyas 2. Surasadi gana dravyas
3. Kashaya dravyas 4. Kakolyadi gana dravyas
85. Grahas acc. to Hareeta
1. 5 2. 8 3. 15 4. 9
86. Parilehi is ………. vyadhi
1. Pitta-Kaphaja 2. Kapha-Vataja
3. Kapha-Raktaja 4. Vataja-Pittaja
87. Commonest type of muscular dystrophy is ……. variety
1. Shoulder gurdle 2. Duchne’s 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
88. Hata chalita eka paksham netra is diagnostic feature of ……..
1. Skanda 2. Putana 3. Sheetala 4. Revathi
89. Total no. of Female Grahas acc. to Sushruta are …….
1. 4 2. 6 3. 8 4. 3
90. Incubation period of Diphtheria is ……… days
1. 3-21 2. 5-12 3. 2-5 4. 9-10
91. Incubation period of Tetanus is ……… days
1. 3-21 2. 5-12 3. 2-5 4. 9-10
92. Bala Uoaveshana (sitting) will be done in …… month as per Vagbhata
1. 5 th 2. 6 th 3. 7 th 4. 8 th
93. The quantity of milk given to the baby as breat feeding in ………… matra of mother.
1. Swapani tala 2. Dwi pani tala
3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
94. ……….. are used in the treatment of Pitru Graha roga
1. Vatahara Dravyas 2. Dasha moola dravyas
3. Tikta dravyas 4. Laghu pancha moola dravyas
95. Anguli pareva pramana is the dose of medicine in ……. age
1. Up to one month 2. 2nd to 12th month 3. 1 to 2 years 4. 5 to 10 days
96. Total no. of Male Grahas acc. to Sushruta are …….
1. 4 2. 6 3. 8 4. 3
97. Ksheeraannada acc. to Sushruta is up to …….. years
1. 1 2. 2 3. 20 4. 30
98. Treatment of Kukunaka is ……….
1.All of the below 2. Vatahara chikitsa 3. Virechana 4. Vamana
99. Dukha vardhana is ……….
1. Karna pali roga 2. Explained in vedanadhya of Kashyapa
3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
100. Creeping and crawling will be seen at the age of ……… months
1. 6-7 2. 7-8 3. 8-9 4. 9-10