[1] Madhumeha nidana & samprapti are explained in ___________ chapter of Caraka samhita
1. Prameha nidana 2. Prameha chikitsa
3. Kiyanta shiraseeya 4. Asta ninditeeya
[2] The dose of Trivrit kalka for Virechana is ___________
1. 1 Pala 2. 1 Shukti
3. 1 Anjali 4. 1 Aksha
[3] Cause of diseases may be reverted by ___________
1. Langhana 2. Pachana
3. Langhana & Pachana 4. Samshodhana
[4] Twak-paarushya & Twak-sphutana are due to ___________
1. Rasa kshaya 2. Rakta kshaya
3. Mamsa kshaya 4. Medo kshaya
[5] In Pravara shodhana, the Prakriti-bhojana is administered at ___________ annakala
1. 13 2. 9 3. 15 4. 11
[6] Treatment of ‘shodhana-atiyoga’ is on the following lines:
1. Ghrita pana
2. Anuvasana basti with Jeevaneeya gana dravya taila
3. Both 1 & 2
4. Nirooha basti
[7] Ardhavabhedaka is a type of ___________
1. Hridroga 2. Shiroroga
3. Karna roga 4. Nasa roga
[8] Malaapaham, roga haram, bala-varna prasadanam are the benefits of ___________
1. Samshodhana 2. Samshamana
3. Stambhana 4. Sramsana
[9] Vamana upadrava enumerated in Upakalpaneeya adhyaya are ___________
1. 10 2. 9 3. 12 4. 8
[10] Definition of Shiras is explained in ___________ chapter of Caraka Samhita
1. Trimarmeeya chikitsa 2. Trimarmeeya siddhi
3. Kiyanta shiraseeya 4. Apasmara chikitsa
[11] Dosha-vikalpa are ___________ in number
1. 62 2. 63 3. 64 4. 15
[12] Character of sraava in pitta vidradhi is ___________
1. Tila masha kulatthodaka nibham 2. Rookshaaruna phenila
3. Shweta, bahula, picchilam 4. None of the above
[13] Which type of dhoomapana advised after vamana?
1. Snaihika 2. Vairechanika
3. Upashamaneeya 4. Any of the above
[14] Vyathitendriya is the feature of ___________
1. Rasa kshaya 2. Shukra kshaya
3. Majja kshaya 4. Ojo kshaya
[15] Manda-ruja is the symptom of ___________ shiroroga
1. Vataja 2. Pittaja
3. Kaphaja 4. Krimija
[18] Bhibhatsa lakshana in Krimija shiroroga suggests ___________
1. Intolerable pain 2. Patient is fearful
3. Puya-pravritti from nose 4. All of above
[19] Order of dosha-shodhana in virechana karma is ___________
1. Vit, Pitta, Shleshma & Vata 2. Vata, Pitta, Kapha & Rakta
3. Vata, Pureesha, Kapha & Rakta 4. Vit, Kapha, Pitta & Vata
[20] After ___________ time, dhooma is advised after Vamana
1. 1 Yama 2. 1 Muhurta
3. 2 Muhurta 4. 1 Prahara
[21] Loma-harsha after administration of vamana dravya indicates ___________
1. Dosha kukshim-anugatam 2. Dosha sthanebhyah prachalitam
3. Dosha pravilayana 4. Dosha urdhwagati
[22] ‘Ghata-bhedana’ is the feature of ___________
1. Vataja shiroroga 2. Krimija shiroroga
3. Ardhavabedhaka 4. Manya graham
[23] Vataja jatroordhwa gata rogas are caused by ___________
1. Asamyak virechana 2. Asamyak nasya
3. Atiyoga of virechana 4. Atiyoga of Vamana
[24] Vamana is ___________ laxana of Virechana
1. Atiyoga 2. Ayoga
3. Samyakyoga 4. Heenayoga
[25] __________ can be called as Affusion sudation
1. Sankara 2. Parisheka
3. Naadi 4. Both 1 & 3
[26] __________ can be called as Pitcher bed sudation
1. Kumbhika 2. Ashmaghana
3. Prastara 4. Both 1 & 3
[27] Glaani is ___________ laxana of Virechana
1. Atiyoga 2. Ayoga
3. Samyakyoga 4. Heenayoga
[28] __________ can be called as Mixed Fomentation
1. Sankara 2. Parisheka
3. Naadi 4. Both 1 & 3
[29] Vataroga is ___________ laxana of Virechana
1. Atiyoga 2. Ayoga
3. Samyakyoga 4. Heenayoga
[30] __________ can be called as Hot bed sudation
1. Kumbhika 2. Ashmaghana
3. Prastara 4. Both 1 & 3
[31] the definition of chikitsa as ”yabhihi kriyabhirjaayante shareeredhaatavaha samaaha” ref?
1. Ch.Su.1/34 2. Ch.Su.9/34
3. Ch.Su.15/34 4. Ch.Su.16/34
[32] __________ can be called as Steam Kettle sudation
1. Sankara 2. Parisheka
3. Naadi 4. Both 1 & 3
[33] “Ghritamamsarasaksheerahrudyayushopasamhitaihi” is said for __________
1. the patients after the Shodhana
2. the patients after the Shoshana
3. the patients who became weak after the Samshodhana
4. the ahaara for ksheena bala purusha
[34] __________ can be called as Stone bed sudation
1. Kumbhika 2. Ashmaghana
3. Prastara 4. Both 1 & 3
[35] Vataroga is ___________ laxana of Vamana
1. Atiyoga 2. Ayoga
3. Samyakyoga 4. Heenayoga
[36] __________ can be called as Ground bed sudation
1. Bhu sweda 2. Karshu
3. Holaka 4. Both 1 & 3
[37] The word “Vaidyamaani” is related with ___________ acc. to Charaka
1. Vamana 2. Virechana
3. Both 1 & 2 4. None of the above
[38] “Jitaha samshodhanairye tu na tesham punarudhbhavaha” ref?
1. Ch.Su.1/20 2. Ch.Su.16/20
3. Ch.Su.15/20 4. Ch.Su.17/20
[39] “Sheetam Sushuyate” is related with ___________
1. Vataja Shiroroga 2. Pittaja Shiroroga
3. Kaphaja Shiroroga 4. Krimija Shiroroga
[40] Peenasaagama is ___________ laxana of Virechana
1. Atiyoga 2. Ayoga
3. Samyakyoga 4. Heenayoga
[41] “Bhrumadhya lalaatam cha ateevativedana” is the laxana of ___________
1. Vataja Shiroroga 2. Pittaja Shiroroga
3. Kaphaja Shiroroga 4. Krimija Shiroroga
[42] “Sudaarunam” is the laxana of ___________
1. Krimija Hrudroga 2. Pittaja Hridroga
3. Kaphaja Shiroroga 4. Krimija Shiroroga
[43] Dwandwaja dosgas are related with ___________ acc. to Charaka
1. 13 2. 9
3. 3 4. 62
[44] “Sandhinaam sphutanam” is related with ___________ kshaya acc. to Charaka
1. Meda 2. Asthi
3. Majja 4. Both 1 & 3
[45] “Tiktata vakre” is the laxana of ___________
1. Krimija Hrudroga 2. Pittaja Hridroga
3. Pittaja Shiroroga 4. Krimija Shiroroga
[46] __________ can be called as Trench sudation
1. Bhu sweda 2. Karshu
3. Holaka 4. Both 1 & 3
[47] “Vepathu” is the laxana of ___________
1. Vataja Shiroroga 2. Vataja Hridroga
3. Kaphaja Shiroroga 4. Krimija Shiroroga
[48] “Shrama” is related with ___________ kshaya acc. to Charaka
1. Asthi 2. Majja
3. Shukra 4. Both 1 & 3
[49] “Stimitabharikam” is the laxana of ___________
1. Krimija Hrudroga 2. Pittaja Hridroga
3. Kaphaja Shiroroga 4. Krimija Shiroroga
[50] __________ can be called as Under bed sudation
1. Bhu sweda 2. Karshu
3. Holaka 4. Both 1 & 3