पुस्तकस्था तु या विद्या,परहस्तगतं च धनम्।
कार्यकाले समुत्पन्ने नसा विद्या न तद्धनम् ।। Chanakya Neeti.
Word Meaning:
पुस्तकस्था= पुस्तक=book, स्था=staying/ inside
तु = and/ that
या = which
विद्य= knowledge
परहस्तगतं = परहस्त = others hand, गतं= gone
च = and
धनम् = money
कार्यकाले = कार्य= work/ need, काले= time= in time/ in need
समुत्पन्ने = come/ arrived
न = no/ not
सा = she/ that
विद्या = knowledge
न = no/ not
तद् = that
धनम् = money
Knowledge in the book and money in the hands of others, both will not come in any of our work when it is needed.
Always keep the knowledge in your brain not in the books likewise always keep the money with you not in others, or else even though they are yours but still they will not be useful for you.
Be a loaded gun.