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Ayurveda Ashraya is the Authentic Multi Speciality Ayurveda Hospital

Updated: May 5, 2020

Ayurveda Ashraya is the Authentic Multi Speciality Ayurveda for Pain Management,  Panchakarma & Piles Treatment Center from new born- middle age to elderly people, started with intension to treat everyone and every disease.

Here we treat from small infection like cough cold and Fever to life threatening diseases like Cancer. Here main objectives being restoring health of healthy person and treatment of diseased. Eradication of Diseases from roots. Basically Pain Management in different diseases like Arthritis, Neck pain ,Back pain, spondylolysis, Myalgia, disc disease, Sciatica, Calcaneal spur, etc. In Pain Management Ayurveda has multiple treatment modalities for different disease conditions. Like  internal medicine Panchakarma Procedures like massage, Patra pinda sweda Agnikarma Kshara Karma SIRAVYADHA Lepa Multifactorial/ Metabolic Syndrome like Obesity Thyroid problem,  Cholesterol, Blood Pressure,  Diabetes,  Allergy. Skin Hair,  Respiratory problems Neurological disorders- Paralysis Migraine,  Insomnia. Gastrointestinal disorders-  Hyperacidity,  IBS,  Gall stones,  Liver diseases. Gynecological problems PCOD/PCOS Fibroid Uterus,  DUB.  In most of disease we treat with Ayurvedic medicines conservatively and whenever needed we go with Panchakarma Procedures too. We also have well experienced therapist for male and females seperately. Relaxation therapies Body massage Natural Weight loss therapies Kati basti for Backache Special therapies like  Agnikarma Leech therapy Siravyadha Lepa Kshara sutra Kshara Karma Piles Fissure Fistula and other Anorectal disorders will be treated with medicines Panchakarma Procedures And Special Parasurgical Procedure explained in Ayurveda. AYURVEDA FOR EVERYONE & EVERY DISEASE.

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