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Dr. Gujar Brothers

Answers for MCQs on Ayurveda Itihasa I

1. The Period of Aadhamalla is ________ AD

1. 10 2. 13 3. 17 4. 19

2. The Period of Shivadasa Sen is ________ AD

1. 10 2. 13 3. 17 4. 19

3. The Period of Chandrata is ________ AD

1. 10 2. 13 3. 17 4. 19

4. The Period of Yogindranath Sen is ________ AD

1. 10 2. 13 3. 17 4. 19

5. Chikitsasaaratantra was written by _________

1. Ashwinikumaras 2. Dhanvantari 3. Jaabaala 4. Jaajali

6. The Period of Gangadhar Ray is ________ AD

1. 10 2. 13 3. 17 4. 19

7. The Period of Gayadasa is ________ AD

1. 10 2. 13 3. 17 . 4. 19

8. The knowledge of Ayurveda was given to _________ by Dakshaprajapati

1. Indra 2. Ashwinikumaras 3. Bhaskara 4. Both 2 & 3

9. Total number of Shishyas in Bhaskara sampradaya _________

1. 8 2. 10 3. 15 4. 16

10. Tantrasaara was written by _________

1. Ashwinikumaras 2. Dhanvantari 3. Jaabaala 4. Jaajali

11. Sarvasaara was written by _________

1. Budha 2. Agastya 3. Divodasa 4. Paila

12. Vaidyanirnaya was written by _________

1. Budha 2. Agastya 3. Divodasa 4. Paila

13. Chikitsadarpana was written by _________

1. Budha 2. Agastya 3. Divodasa 4. Paila

14. Nidana was written by _________

1. Budha 2. Agastya 3. Divodasa 4. Paila

15. Praagvaidika Kaala is ________ BC

1. 20,000-10,000 2. 10,000-3,000 3. 3,000-1,200 4. 1,200-600

16. Vaidika Kaala is ________ BC

1. 20,000-10,000 2. 10,000-3,000 3. 3,000-1,200 4. 1,200-600

17. Aitihasika Kaala is ________ BC

1. 20,000-10,000 2. 10,000-3,000 3. 3,000-1,200 4. 1,200-600

18. Praagaitihasika Kaala is ________ BC

1. 20,000-10,000 2. 10,000-3,000 3. 3,000-1,200 4. 1,200-600

19. Details regarding the singing is there in ________ veda

1. Rig 2. Yajur 3. Saama 4. Atharva

20. Details regarding the Charma-vidya is there in ________ veda

1. Rig 2. Yajur 3. Saama 4. Atharva

21. Details regarding the medicinal drugs is there in ________ veda

1. Rig 2. Yajur 3. Saama 4. Atharva

22. Total no. of Vedangas are ______

1. 4 2. 6 3. 8 4. 10

23. Total no. of Oushadhis explained in Rigveda are ______

1. 60 2. 67 3. 82 4. 110

24. Total no. of Oushadhis explained in Rigveda are ______

1. 60 2. 67 3. 82 4. 110

25. The period of Kashi University is in the year _________

1. 1936 2. 1918 3. 1946 4. 1965

26. The period of Takshashila University is in the year ?_________ BC

1. 1000 2. 1500 3. 2000 4. 2500

27. “Dhatu vaishamya Gnanartham” is related with _______ sthana of Charaka Samhita

1. Sutra 2. Shareera 3. Nidana 4. Vimana

28. “Sangrahartham Vidhiyate” is related with _______ sthana of Charaka Samhita

1. Sutra 2. Shareera 3. Nidana 4. Vimana

29. Use of Ghrita Droni & Taila Droni is used in the treatment of ________ Vyadhi

1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Kapha 4. Sannipata

30. Total no. of Adhyayas in Harita Samhita is _______

1. 103 2. 120 3. 180 4. 150

31. Types of Shoola is _____ acc. to Harita Samhita

1. 4 2. 6 3. 8 4. 10

32. Types of Kshaya is _____ acc. to Harita Samhita

1. 4 2. 6 3. 8 4. 10

33. Divya Rasayana is used in _______ chikitsa in Vangasena Samhita

1. Amavata, etc. 2. Annadrava Shoola 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

34. Shadvidha Marma is the contribution of _________

1. Charaka Samhita 2. Sushruta Samhita 3. Astanga Hridaya 4. None

35. Indu Written the Teeka by name ________

1. Shashilekha 2. Sarvangasundara 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

36. Padartha written the teeka on Astanga Hrudaya by name _______

1. Chandranandana 2. Hemadri 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

37. Mrutyunjaya Samhita was written by _________

1. Gangadhar Rai 2. Shivadasa Sen 3. Harana Chandra 4. None

38. Ramakrishna Written the Teeka on Madhavanidana by name ________

1. Vaidyamanorama 2. Madhukosha 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

39. ________ is Parvati Shukra

1. Gandhaka 2. Abhraka 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

40. ________ is Parada Naivadya

1. Gandhaka 2. Abhraka 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

41. ________ is Parvati Raja

1. Gandhaka 2. Abhraka 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

42. No. of Samskaras acc. to Devavedha is _______

1. 16 2. 9 3. 8 4. 5

43. Rasaratna Samucchya was written by ______

1. Vagbhata 2. Dundukanatha 3. Gopala Bhatta 4. Sadanand Sharma

44. Rasa Tarangini was written by ______

1. Vagbhata 2. Dundukanatha 3. Gopala Bhatta 4. Sadanand Sharma

45. Aakarakarabha was first introduced by _________

1. Gadanigraha 2. Astanga Nighantu 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

46. Tuvaraka drug is not at all mentioned in ________

1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

47. ______ is well-known Horse Doctor

1. Nakula 2. Sahadeva 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

48. The Period of Hippocrates is ________

1. 450 BC 2. 300 BC 3. 500 BC 4. 1000 BC

49. Udupa committee was formed in the year _______

1. 1955 2. 1958 3. 1959 4. 1962

50. The Period of Naradatta is ________ AD

1. 10 2. 13 3. 17 4. 19

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