1] _________ is not the Guna of Ksheera
1. स्तन्यं,
2. वृष्यं
3. प्रीणनं,
4. None of the above
2] _________ is not the Guna of Ksheera
1. मेध्यं,
2. बृंहणं
3. बल्यं,
4. None of the above
3] _________ is not the Guna of Ksheera
1. मनस्करम्
2. जीवनीयं
3. श्रमहरं,,
4. None of the above
[Ch.Su.1/107 & 108]
4] _________ is not the Guna of Ksheera
1. श्वासकासनिबर्हणम्
2. हन्ति शोणितपित्तं
3. सन्धानं विहतस्य
4. None of the above
[Ch.Su.1/107 & 108]
5] _________ is not the Guna of Ksheera
1. सर्वप्राणभृतां सात्म्यं
2. शमनं
3. शोधनं
4. None of the above
5] _________ is not the Guna of Ksheera
1. तृष्णाघ्नं
2. दीपनीयं
3. श्रेष्ठं क्षीणक्षतेषु
4. None of the above
5] _________ is not the Indication for Ksheera
1. पाण्डुरोगेऽम्लपित्ते
2. शोषे
3. गुल्मे तथोदरे
4. None of the above
6] _________ is not the Indication for Ksheera
1. अतीसारे
2. ज्वरे, दाहे
3. श्वयथौ
4. None of the above
7] _________ is not the Indication for Ksheera
1. योनिशुक्रप्रदोषेषु
2. मूत्रेष्वप्रचुरेषु
3. पुरीषे ग्रथिते पथ्यं
4. None of the above
8] _________ is not the Indication for Ksheera
1. वातविकारिणाम्
2. पित्तविकारिणाम्
3. कफविकारिणाम्
4. None of the above
9] Ksheera can be used for _________
1. नस्यालेपावगाहेषु
2. वमनास्थापनेषु
3. विरेचने, स्नेहने
4. None of the above
10] Samanya gunas of ksheera is dealt in ____________ adhyaya of Charaka Samhita
1. Ch.Su.1
2. Ch.Su.5
3. Ch.Su.9
4. Ch.Su.29