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Dr. Gujar Brothers

Answers for MCQs of the Day 15-06-2021 by Dr. R. S. Gujar., & Dr. M. S. Gujar.


1] The plants bearing both flowers and fruits are known as ____________

1. Gymno-spermia

2. Angio-spermia

3. Annuals

4. Creepers


2] The plants which die out after flowering are known as ____________

1. Gymno-spermia

2. Angio-spermia

3. Annuals

4. Creepers


3] The plants which creep or twine are known as _________

1. Gymno-spermia

2. Angio-spermia

3. Annuals

4. Creepers


4] Ref of मूलत्वक्सारनिर्यासनाल(ड)स्वरसपल्लवाः|

क्षाराः क्षीरं फलं पुष्पं भस्म तैलानि कण्टकाः||७३|| Ch.Su. _________ Adhyaya

1. 1

2. 2

3. 28

4. 29


5] Total no. of grahya angas of Parthiva dravyas ________

1. 18

2. 12

3. 19

4. None of the above


6] Total no. of grahya angas of oudbida dravyas ________

1. 18

2. 12

3. 19

4. None of the above

[Ch.Su.1/73 & 74]

7] Total no. of grahya angas of jangama dravyas ________

1. 18

2. 12

3. 19

4. None of the above

[Ch.Su.1/68 & 69]

8] ___________ is not considered in Oudbida gana

1. पत्राणि

2. शुङ्गाः

3. कन्दाश्च

4. None of the above


9] Pancha Lohas is doesn’t include _________

1. ताम्र रजत

2. त्रपु शीस

3. कृष्णलोहा

4. None of the above

[Ch.Su.1/68-73 ADC]

10] The meaning of समलाः in the below mentioned shloka is _________

सुवर्णं समलाः पञ्च लोहाः ससिकताः सुधा|

मनःशिलाले मणयो लवणं गैरिकाञ्जने||

1. शिलाजतूनि

2. सुवर्णं

3. हरितालम्

4. सौवीराञ्जनम्

[Ch.Su.1/68-73 ADC]

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