1. IPC Sec. 319- 326 deals with ………
1. Injury/Heart 2. Pregnancy 3. Sexual offences 4. Infanticide
2. Forensic medicine means ……….
1. Medicine of Courts of Law 2. Legal Medicine
3. State Medicine 4. All of the above
3. PM appearance in coma ……….
1. Left chambers of heart are full 2. Right chambers of heart are full
3. Heart is contracted 4. Both sides of heart are contracted
4. ……… refers to the male, who is impotent with the particular female & not with the others ……
1. Potent 2. Frigidity 3. Quode 4. Apta-vira
5. The synonym of Visha are
1. Garala 2. Kalakuta 3. Kshweda 4. Tanmatam 5. All the above
6. Immunological test (Gravindex test) is performed in …… weeks
1. 2-3 2. 2-6 3. 3-6 4. 6-8
7. Thantophobia means fear of ………..
1. death 2. disease 3. darkness 4. Open space
8. Presence of diatoms in body confirms death due to …..
1. Drowning 2. Suffocation 3. Hanging 4. Both 1 & 2
9. Causes of death in Starvation are
1. Exhaustion 2. Circulatory failure 3. Infection 4. All of the above
10. Match the following
1. 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 2. 1-2, 2-3, 3-1 3. 1-3, 2-1, 3-2 4. None
11. The Agada tantra in puranas is called as
1. Visha chikitsa 2. Janguli vidya 3. Garuda vidya 4. Sarpa vidya
12. Jangama visha Adhiustana acc. to Sushruta and Vagbahta …….
1. 16 2. 12 3. 30 4. 31
13. In USA Forensic Medicine is known as ……….
1. Medical Jurisprudence 2. Legal Medicine
3. Forensic & State Medicine 4. Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
14. As per Bichat the following is not the type of modes of death
1. Coma 2. Syncope 3. Asphexia 4. Exhaustion
15. Colour of PM lividity in Phosphorous poisoning
1. Dark brown 2. Chocolate/coffee brown 3. Pink 4. Pale purple
16. Total no. of Upavisha acc. to Rasa tarangini
1. 11 2. 12 3. 13 4. 14
17. Molecular death occurs after …. death
1. Somatic 2. Cellular 3. Clinical 4. Both 1 & 3
18. Marriage annulment by means of Nullity of marriage by ……..
1. Impotence 2. Bigamy 3. Cruealty 4. Both 1 & 2
19. Infanticide in India is considered equivalent to murder & is tried under …….. sec. of IPC
1. 302 2. 305 3. 321 4. 311
20. Body floats on water after …… days of death in winter
1. 1-2 2. 3-4 3. 5-6 4. 2-3
21. Which of the following are not the fetish bojects
1. Genitals 2. Hands 3. Scarf 4. Undergarments
22. Dushi visha in Pittashaya produces ……. vikara
1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Kapha 4. Both 1 & 2
23. Anirdeshya rasa of visha is said by ……..
1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Vagbhata 4. All of the above
24. Ref. of Pancha shirisha agada
1. Ch. Chi. 23 2. Su. Kal. 3 3. A. H. Ut. 35 4. All of the above
25. Undinism is related with ………….
1. Urinating 2. Defecating 3. Sexual act 4. Both 1 & 2
26. Fatal dose of Nitric Acid is ……..
1. 10-15ml 2. Both 2 & 3 3. 15-20ml 4. 20-30ml
27. Fatal dose of Carbolic Acid is ……..
1. 10-15ml 2. Both 2 & 3 3. 15-20ml 4. 20-30ml
28. % of Alcohol in Rum/Liquors
1. 50-60% 2. 40-45% 3. 20% 4. 10-15%
29. Juris means ……..
1. Law 2. Medicine 3. Court 4. Advocate
30. Fatal dose of Dattura is ……….
1. 0.6 - 1 gm 2. 100 - 125 seeds 3. Both 1 & 2 4. 50-100mg/ 1 crushed seed
31. Strychnine is the alkaloids present in ……….
1. Ahiphena 2. Kupilu 3. Gunja 4. Arka
32. Body floats on water after …… days in summer
1. 1-2 2. 3-4 3. 5-6 4. 2-3
33. PM appearance in Death due to Heat ……….
1. Left chambers of heart are full 2. Right chambers of heart are full
3. Heart is contracted 4. Both sides of heart are contracted
34. ……… refers to the female, who is capable of taking part in sexual intercourse
1. Potent 2. Frigidity 3. Quode 4. Apta-vira
35. Solapith is related with ……..
1. Prostution 2. Young girls 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
36. Fatal period of Jayapala is ………..
1. 6hrs to 3 days 2. 24hrs 3. 3-5 days 4. 12hrs
37. Enoism related with ………. Of opposite sex
1. Cloths 2. Peeping 3. Seeing 4. None
38. Poisons Act related with ………
1. 1919 2. 1940 3. 1945 4. 1948
39. Life imprisonment means imprisonment for ……. years
1. 20 2. 15 3. 6 4. 14
40. Which of the following is true in terms of the Suffocation types
1. Throttling & bansdola 2. Garroting & Mugging
3. Strangulation by knee/foot 4. Gaging
41. The rising of body after the person falls in water is because of …..
1. Buoyancy 2. Air entrapped in cloths
3. Movements of limb 4. All of the above
42. Blood stain on non porous article is …………… & preserved
1. Scrapped with knife 2. Article dried 3. Both 1 &2 4. None
43. Drug & Cosmetic Act related with ………
1. 1919 2. 1940 3. 1945 4. 1948
44. Colour of PM lividity in Potassium chlorate poisoning
1. Dark brown 2. Chocolate/coffee brown 3. Pink 4. Pale purple
45. Which of the following is not the example of unnatural death………
1. Suicide 2. Death in Jail 3. Death due to Anesthesia 4. None of the above
46. IPC sec. 300 deals with ………
1. Murder 2. Homicide 3. Suicide 4. Abandoning a child
47. Felliation is related with ……
1. Oral stimulation of male genitalia 2. Oral stimulation of female genitalia
3. Both 1 & 2 4. None
48. Thanatology deals with study of …….
1. Death 2. Bones 3. Offences 4. Both 1 & 3
49. Typical drowning means …….
1. Fresh water drowning 2. Salt water drowning
3. Laryngeal spasm 4. Both 2 & 1
50. The fatal period of Marking nut is …….
1. 12-24 hrs 2. 24-32 hrs 3. 32-48 hrs 4. 48-72hrs