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MCQs on Govind Pareek Book

1. Keshada is ……….. krimi 1. Abhyantara 2. Bahya 3. Purishaja 4. Kaphaja 2. ……. Is related with Bhadrakapya acc. to...

Subhashita of the Day...20-01-2022_ Two important Signs of Talent.

Subhashita: अनारम्भस्तु कार्याणां प्रथमं बुद्धिलक्षणम्। आरब्धस्यान्तगमनं द्वितीयं बुद्धिलक्षणम्॥ । Mahasubhashita Sangraha 1340 Words...

Subhashita of the Day...18-01-2022_ Accomplishing the task.

Subhashita: सिंहवत्सर्ववेगेन पतन्त्यर्थे किलार्थिनः॥ Words Meaning: सिंहवत् - Like Lion सर्व - All वेगेन - by speed पतन्ति - falls अर्थे...

Shloka of the Day...11-01-2022 _ Chikitsa Sutra on Vranashopha/ Vidradhi/ Vrana by Sushruta.

Shloka: आदौविम्लापनंकुर्याद्द्वितीयमवसेचनम्| तृतीयमुपनाहंतुचतुर्थींपाटनक्रियाम्|| पञ्चमंशोधनंकुर्यात्षष्ठंरोपणमिष्यते|...

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