MCQs on Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana 1st to 4th Adhyayas
1] _______ adhayaya is the 1st adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana . 1. Deerghrnajeevitiya 2. Ayushkamiya 3. Vedotpatti 4. None of...
Authentic Ayurveda for All
1] _______ adhayaya is the 1st adhyaya of Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana . 1. Deerghrnajeevitiya 2. Ayushkamiya 3. Vedotpatti 4. None of...
Shloka: त्रिभिर्दोषैरनाक्रान्तःश्यावौष्ठःपिडकीसमः| अवेदनोनिरास्रावोव्रणःशुद्धइहोच्यते|| Su. Su. 23/18 Words meaning: त्रिभिः - three...
Shloka: आदौविम्लापनंकुर्याद्द्वितीयमवसेचनम्| तृतीयमुपनाहंतुचतुर्थींपाटनक्रियाम्|| पञ्चमंशोधनंकुर्यात्षष्ठंरोपणमिष्यते|...
06-07-2021 1] Yavaagu prepared with शालपर्णीबलाबिल्वैः पृश्निपर्ण्या are used for _________ 1. Vataja Atisara 2. Pitta Kaphaja Atisara 3....
05-07-2021 1] Hribera and Utpala with chaaga paya peya is used for ___________ 1. Raktatisaraghni 2. Atisara 3. Mutrachruchra 4. All of...
01-07-2021 1] __________ is not used for Shirovirechana 1. अपामार्गस्य बीजानि 2. पिप्पली 3. मरिचानि 4. None of the above 2] ___________...
27-06-2021 1] Ref. of स्त्रीभिः सहास्यां संवासं परिहासं च वर्जयेत् | दत्तं च ताभ्यो नादेयमन्नादन्यद्भिषग्वरैः || 1. Su.Su. 1/9 2....
26-06-2021 1] _________ is not the Guna of Ksheera 1. स्तन्यं, 2. वृष्यं 3. प्रीणनं, 4. None of the above 2] _________ is not the Guna of...
SHALYA TANTRA – SAMANYA (General Surgery) PAPER-II Theory- 100 marks PART A 50 marks 1. Etymology and definition of Shalya Tantra. 2....
[1] Chalaha sapndanaha is related with ________ shotha acc. to Charaka 1. Vataja 2. Pittaja 3. Kaphaja 4. Both 1 & 2 [2] ___________...
[1] Madhumeha nidana & samprapti are explained in ___________ chapter of Caraka samhita 1. Prameha nidana 2. Prameha chikitsa 3. Kiyanta...