Answers for MCQs of the Day 04-07-2021 by Dr. R. S. Gujar., & Dr. M. S. Gujar.
04-07-2021 1] पलाशं कत्तृणं चैव स्नेहांश्च लवणानि is used for _____________ 1. उदावर्ते, मारुतघ्नमिति 2. विबन्धेषु, अनुवासनम् 3....
Authentic Ayurveda for All
04-07-2021 1] पलाशं कत्तृणं चैव स्नेहांश्च लवणानि is used for _____________ 1. उदावर्ते, मारुतघ्नमिति 2. विबन्धेषु, अनुवासनम् 3....
1. Manibrium presents in 1. Facial bones 2. Carpel bones 3. Pelvic bones 4. Sternum 2. The life expectancy of pushpita purusha is: 1. 1...
1. Manibrium presents in 1. Facial bones 2. Carpel bones 3. Pelvic bones 4. Sternum 2. The life expectancy of pushpita purusha is: 1....
1. In ……………. sthana AH, visha chikitsa was explained. 1. Sutra 2. Chikitsa 3. Nidana 4.Uttara 2. Panduvarna is related with ……. Vega...
1. ………. included Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Koumarabhrutya 1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Harita 4. Kashyapa 2. Father os modern Pediatrics...
1. ………. included Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Koumarabhrutya 1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Harita 4. Kashyapa 2. Father os modern Pediatrics...
1. The maithuna between 25 years male and female below 16 will have a child with following features acc. to Sushruta: 1. Garbhanasha &...
1. The maithuna between 25 years male and female below 16 will have a child with following features acc. to Sushruta: 1. Garbhanasha &...
1. The cause of Raktagulma is/are (a) Improper diet by lady in tukala (c) Vamana (b) Vegadharana (d) All of the above 2. The stages of...
1. The cause of Raktagulma is/are (a) Improper diet by lady in tukala (c) Vamana (b) Vegadharana (d) All of the above 2. The stages of...
1. Siravyadha should be done at 2 angula above ………marma in Apachi 1. Indrabasti 2. Katikataruna 3.Janu 4. Bahavi 2. Which of the...
1. Siravyadha should be done at 2 angula above ………marma in Apachi 1. Indrabasti 2. Katikataruna 3.Janu 4. Bahavi 2. Which of the...
1. The total no. of Sthavara Visha adhistana are ……… 1. 5 2. 10 3. 12 4. 15 2. Artava visha is related with ……….. animal 1. Mushaka...
1. The scientific escription of Bhaishajya Kalpana is present in ………….. Samhita 1. Charaka 2. Sushruta 3. Vagbhata 4. Sharangadhara 2....
1. Dosha, Dhatu and Mala are the moola of the body, was said by : 1. Sushruta 2. Charaka 3. Vagbhata 4. All of the Above 2....